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cheese ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

cheese anlamı
1) peynir
2) meyve konservesi
3) peynir kalıbı
4) doğru

"cheese" için örnek kullanımlar

Lisa Leake and Vani Hari say they grew up eating Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.
Lisa Leake ve Vani Hari onlar Kraft Makarna ve Peynir yemek büyüdü söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
Boxes of Kraft Foods Group macaroni & cheese are displayed on a shelf.
Kraft Foods Group makarna ve peynir kutuları bir raf görüntülenir.
Kaynak: bizjournals.com
Lisa Leake and Vani Hari both have young kids who love Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.
Lisa Leake ve Vani Hari hem Kraft Makarna ve Peynir seviyorum küçük çocuklar var.
Kaynak: cinemablend.com
It's one of the premiere artisanal cheese events in the nation.
Bu ülkedeki galası zanaat peynir olaylardan biri.
Kaynak: mercurynews.com
Cheddar cheese is a relatively hard, pale yellow to off-white (unless artificially colored), and sometimes sharp-tasting, cheese .
Kaynak: Cheddar cheese
A cheese sandwich is a basic sandwich made generally with one or more varieties of cheese on any sort of bread. addition to the cheese, it
Kaynak: Cheese sandwich
Goat cheese, or chèvre (from the French word for goat), is cheese made out of the milk of goat s. Properties : flavor of goat's milk cheese
Kaynak: Goat cheese
Mozzarella is a fresh cheese, originally from southern Italy, made from either buffalo's or cow's milk by the pasta filata method.
Kaynak: Mozzarella
Before 2001, when Gruyère gained Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) status as a Swiss cheese , some controversy existed whether French
Kaynak: Gruyère cheese
The name Parmesan is also used for cheeses which imitate Parmigiano-Reggiano, with phrases such as "Italian hard cheese" adopted to skirt
Kaynak: Parmigiano-Reggiano
being milked, as well as harvesting the milk from an animal, the dairy may also process the milk into butter , cheese and yogurt , for example.
Kaynak: Dairy
This is a list of cheeses from France . Traditionally, there are from 350 to 400 distinct types of French cheese grouped into eight
Kaynak: List of French cheeses
Cheshire cheese ˈ | tʃ | ɛ | ʃ | ər is a dense and crumbly cheese produced in the English county of Cheshire , and four neighbouring
Kaynak: Cheshire cheese
Artisanal cheese refers to cheeses produced by hand using the traditional craftsmanship of skilled cheesemakers . result the cheeses are
Kaynak: Artisan cheese
mər |) is a semi-hard cheese that originated in the Netherlands , and is named after the town of Edam in the province of North Holland
Kaynak: Edam cheese
This is a list of around 400 Italian cheese s. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected
Kaynak: List of Italian cheeses
Paneer (Hindi : पनीर panīr; Urdu : پنير from Persian : پنير panir) is a fresh cheese common in South Asia n cuisine . It is of Indian
Kaynak: Paneer
Dunlop is a mild cheese or 'sweet-milk cheese' from Dunlop in East Ayrshire , Scotland It resembles a soft Cheddar cheese in texture .
Kaynak: Dunlop cheese
Gorgonzola (ɡorɡonˈdzɔːla) is a veined Italian blue cheese , made from unskimmed cow's milk. It can be buttery or firm, crumbly and quite
Kaynak: Gorgonzola

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