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chemist ne demek?

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chemist anlamı
1) kimyager
2) eczacı

"chemist" için örnek kullanımlar

Before I worked as a chemist and I enjoyed working in chemistry.
Ben bir kimyager olarak çalıştı ve ben kimya çalışmaktan memnun. Önce
Kaynak: nationmultimedia.com
Temporary chemist to open after fire rips through Tiverton branch of Lloyds Pharmacy.
Geçici kimyager Lloyds Eczane Tiverton şube aracılığıyla yangından akıntılar sonra açılacak.
Kaynak: middevonstar.co.uk
I wonder why dietitians trust the chemist more than the cow.
Diyetisyenler inek daha kimyacı fazla güveniyorum merak ediyorum.
Kaynak: mapleridgenews.com
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Sen Kimyager + eczacı kayıtlı bir kullanıcı olmanız gerekir unutmayın ve yorum eklemek için oturum lütfen.
Kaynak: chemistanddruggist.co.uk
A chemist is a scientist trained in the study of chemistry . Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density
Kaynak: Chemist
An establishment in which pharmacy (in the first sense) is practiced is called a pharmacy, chemist's or drugstore. In the United States
Kaynak: Pharmacy
alchemist was called a 'chemist' in popular speech, and later the suffix "-ry" was added to this to describe the art of the chemist as "chemistry".
Kaynak: Chemistry
This list of Russia n chemist s includes the famous chemists and material scientist s of the Russian Federation , the Soviet Union , the
Kaynak: List of Russian chemists
Cement chemist notation (CCN) was developed to simplify the formula s cement chemists use on a daily basis. It is a shorthand way of
Kaynak: Cement chemist notation
Thomas Graham FRS (21 December 1805 – 16 September 1869) was a nineteenth-century Scottish chemist who is best-remembered today for his
Kaynak: Thomas Graham (chemist)
William Nicholson (13 December 1753 21 May 1815) was a renowned English chemist and writer on "natural philosophy " and chemistry, as well
Kaynak: William Nicholson (chemist)
The Chemists' Ring is a ring worn by a chemist who has earned the designation of "Professional Chemist " through the Association of the
Kaynak: Chemists' Ring
Professional Chemist is the term for registered or licensed chemist s in Canada who are permitted to offer their professional services
Kaynak: Professional Chemist

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