Chosen to Masterplan Airport City for HIA Airport in Qatar.
OMA Katar SED Airport Master Airport City Chosen.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.comFormer Holyoke mayor Michael Sullivan
chosen as new South Hadley town administrator.
Eski Holyoke Belediye Başkanı Michael Sullivan yeni South Hadley kasaba yöneticisi olarak seçilmiştir.
Kaynak:'Lord of the Trees'
chosen as focus of Arbor Day campaign.
Arbor Day kampanyanın odak merkezi olarak seçilmiştir 'Ağaçlar Efendisi'.
chosen as mobile partner of New Zealand Police.
Vodafone Yeni Zelanda Polisi mobil ortağı olarak seçildi.
Kaynak: thedrum.comChosen may refer to:
Chosen people , people who believe they have been
chosen by a higher power to do a certain thing including
Kaynak: Chosen Throughout history, various groups of people have considered themselves as
chosen people by a deity for a purpose, such as to act as the
Kaynak: Chosen peopleIan has been ‘
chosen' to join a secret, deadly game that is happening all around us every day – but few will ever know. This is the
Kaynak: Chosen (TV series)