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cinematographic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

cinematographic anlamı
1) sinematografik
2) sinemacılık
3) sinema makinesiyle ilgili

"cinematographic" için örnek kullanımlar

We're not appreciative of cinematographic nuances or intricate plots.
Biz sinematografik nüansları veya karmaşık parsellerin minnettar değiliz.
Kaynak: dailyillini.com
Still, the material calls out for a more expressive cinematographic treatment.
Yine de, bir madde daha etkileyici sinematografik tedavi için sesleniyor.
Kaynak: pleasantonweekly.com
The cinematographic concept here was to let the camera lag behind the flying object.
Burada sinematografik kavramı uçan nesnenin arkasındaki kamera gecikme izin verdi.
Kaynak: flickeringmyth.com
This episode certainly has all the cinematographic content viewers have come to expect.
Bu bölüm kesinlikle tüm sinematografik içeriği izleyicilerin beklediği gelmiştir.
Kaynak: palatinate.org.uk
Deep focus became a popular cinematographic device from the 1940s onwards in Hollywood . Today, the trend is for more shallow focus .
Kaynak: Cinematography
Docufiction (or docu-fiction, often confused with docudrama ) is a neologism which refers to the cinematographic combination of documentary
Kaynak: Docufiction
Eurimages is the Council of Europe fund for the co-production , distribution , exhibition and digitisation of European cinematographic
Kaynak: Eurimages
Enrique Cerezo Torres is a cinematographic producer and the president of Atlético Madrid from 2002. Cinematographic career: Enrique Cerezo
Kaynak: Enrique Cerezo
Deep focus is a photographic and cinematographic technique using a large depth of field . Depth of field is the front-to-back range of
Kaynak: Deep focus
The slit-scan photography technique is a photographic and cinematographic process where a moveable slide, into which a slit has been cut
Kaynak: Slit-scan photography
Shaky camera shaky cam, hand-held camera or free camera is a cinematographic technique where stable-image techniques are purposely
Kaynak: Shaky camera
Tilting is a cinematographic technique in which the camera is stationary and rotates in a vertical plane (or tilting plane).
Kaynak: Tilt (camera)
The Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois is a festival created in 1982 to celebrate the cinematographic production of Quebec , Canada
Kaynak: Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois
Shallow focus is a photographic and cinematographic technique incorporating a small depth of field . In shallow focus one plane of the
Kaynak: Shallow focus
Montreal based duo Headscan fuses futuristic dancefloor oriented music with dark cinematographic soundscapes. The band combines elements
Kaynak: Headscan
Ultra Stereo was a cinematographic sound system that was developed in 1984 in competition to the predominant format, Dolby Stereo , by
Kaynak: Ultra Stereo

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