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clearance ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

clearance anlamı
1) temizleme
2) boşluk
3) açıklık
4) tasfiye
5) açma
6) ödeme
7) limandan ayrılma izni
8) tasfiye satışı
9) mevsim sonu satışı
10) gümrük belgesi

"clearance" için örnek kullanımlar

Lankan politician claims 'clearance by ICC' to vie for cricket presidency.
Kriket başkanlığı için vie Lankalı politikacı iddiaları 'ICC tarafından açıklık'.
Kaynak: sports.ndtv.com
UN provides vital training in mine clearance to Malian security forces.
BM Malili güvenlik güçlerine mayın temizliğinin hayati eğitim vermektedir.
Kaynak: un.org
The transaction has now received regulatory clearance in both the United States and the United Kingdom.
İşlem şimdi Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve İngiltere hem de düzenleyici klirensi aldı.
Kaynak: globenewswire.com
IQE welcomes OFT clearance of Kopin deal.
IQE Kopin anlaşma OFT klerensi ağırlamaktadır.
Kaynak: stockmarketwire.com
Clearance can refer to: Authorization or permission from an authority. Air traffic control clearance in aviation. Security clearance , a
Kaynak: Clearance
In medicine , the clearance is a measurement of the renal excretion ability. Although clearance may also involve other organs than the
Kaynak: Clearance (medicine)
A security clearance is a status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information , i.e., state secret s, or to
Kaynak: Security clearance
Deforestation, clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest
Kaynak: Deforestation
Demining or mine clearance is the process of removing either land mine s, or naval mine s, from an area, while minesweeping describes the
Kaynak: Demining
Flight data / clearance delivery: Clearance Delivery is the position that issues route clearances to aircraft, typically before they commence
Kaynak: Air traffic control
by the action of the jumper whilst jumping or the jumper touches the ground or break the plane of the near edge of the bar before clearance.
Kaynak: High jump
Theoretically, the import and export of controlled goods needs clearance from the relevant government agencies regulating such goods.
Kaynak: Customs
Compliance with a loading gauge can be checked with a clearance car which in the past were simple wooden frames or physical feelers
Kaynak: Loading gauge
The structure gauge, also called the minimum clearance outline, is the minimum height and width of tunnel s and bridge s as well as the
Kaynak: Structure gauge
Clearance (civil engineering): In civil engineering clearance means the difference between the loading gauge and the structure gauge in the
Kaynak: Engineering tolerance
A closeout or clearance is the final sale of an item or items to zero inventory . It may be a given model of item that is not selling
Kaynak: Closeout (sale)
Hydraulic clearance. Flow in narrow clearances are of vital importance in hydraulic system component design. narrow circular clearance of a
Kaynak: Hydraulic clearance
A bridge's clearance is most often noted on charts as measured from the surface of the water to the under side of the bridge at Mean
Kaynak: Air draft

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