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commune ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

commune anlamı
1) komün
2) yerel idare
1) söyleşmek
2) sohbet etmek
3) senli benli konuşmak
4) komünyon almak
5) komünyon vermek

"commune" için örnek kullanımlar

That sellers and buyers could commune over Skype to haggle over a sale?
Satıcı ve alıcılar Skype üzerinden komün bir satış konusunda pazarlık etmek için olabilir mi?
Kaynak: readwrite.com
Several of my young colleagues were talking wistfully about establishing a commune.
Benim genç meslektaşlarının birkaç komün kurma konusunda özlemle konuşuyorduk.
Kaynak: stltoday.com
In reality, administration in Binh Hung commune is more complicated than a township.
Gerçekte, Binh Hung komün yönetiminin bir nahiye daha karmaşıktır.
Kaynak: english.vietnamnet.vn
A commune is an intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, property , possessions, resources , and, in some
Kaynak: Commune
The commune is a level of administrative division in the French Republic . French communes are roughly equivalent to townships or
Kaynak: Communes of France
A commune (comună in Romanian ) is the lowest level of administrative subdivision in Romania . There are 2686 communes in Romania.
Kaynak: Communes of Romania
A commune (comuna, koˈmuna | IPA) is the smallest administrative subdivision in Chile . It may contain cities , town s, village s, hamlets
Kaynak: Communes of Chile
In Vietnam , there are three kinds of third-level (commune-level) administrative subdivisions: the rural commune (xã), the commune-level
Kaynak: Commune-level subdivisions (Vietnam)
It is often translated as "commune" or "municipality ." As of 2010 there were 2,479 gminas throughout the country The word gmina derives
Kaynak: Gmina

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