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compact ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

compact anlamı
1) kompakt
2) yoğun
3) sıkı
4) özlü
5) öz
6) kısa ve etkili
1) sıkıştırmak
2) sıkılaştırmak
3) yoğunlaştırmak
1) sözleşme
2) anlaşma
3) pudralık
4) küçük araba

"compact" için örnek kullanımlar

Nikon has announced the Coolpix A, its first truly advanced compact camera.
Nikon Coolpix A, ilk gerçekten gelişmiş kompakt kamera duyurdu.
Kaynak: theverge.com
New Lynn provides template for a quality, compact, affordable Auckland.
Yeni Lynn kaliteli, kompakt, ekonomik Auckland için şablon sağlar.
Kaynak: scoop.co.nz
Peugeot is presenting in Geneva the 2008, a small SUV based on its 208 compact.
Peugeot Cenevre 2008, onun 208 kompakt dayalı bir küçük SUV sunuyor.
Kaynak: bloomberg.com
Nikon has announced two new compact cameras, the Coolpix A and the Coolpix P330.
Nikon iki yeni kompakt fotoğraf makineleri, Coolpix A ve Coolpix P330 duyurdu.
Kaynak: blog.gsmarena.com
In mathematics , specifically general topology and metric topology , a compact space is a mathematical space in which any infinite
Kaynak: Compact space
A compact car (North America), or small family car in British acceptation, is a classification of cars that are larger than a subcompact
Kaynak: Compact car
A compact newspaper is a broadsheet -quality newspaper printed in a tabloid format, especially one in the United Kingdom . The term is
Kaynak: Compact (newspaper)
In mathematics , a compact (topological, often understood) group is a topological group whose topology is compact . Compact groups are a
Kaynak: Compact group
A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), also called compact fluorescent light, energy-saving light, and compact fluorescent tube, is a
Kaynak: Compact fluorescent lamp
A sport compact is a high-performance version of a compact car or a subcompact car . They are typically front engine d, front-wheel drive
Kaynak: Sport compact
In astronomy , the term compact star (sometimes compact object) is used to refer collectively to white dwarf s, neutron star s, other
Kaynak: Compact star
A compact MPV is a car classification used in Europe to describe multi-purpose vehicle versions of small family car s (sometimes also
Kaynak: Compact MPV
Compact executive car is a car classification term applied to premium cars smaller than executive cars . compact executive cars are part
Kaynak: Compact executive car
An interstate compact is an agreement between two or more states of the United States of America . Article I, Section 10 of the United
Kaynak: Interstate compact
In mathematics , a closed manifold is a type of topological space , namely a compact manifold without boundary. any compact manifold is
Kaynak: Closed manifold

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