It should provide information in ways that the average Albertan can
Bu ortalama Albertan anlayacağı şekilde bilgi vermelidir.
Kaynak: calgaryherald.comThe culture ,she says, still doesn't fully
comprehend the hurdles that women face.
Kültür, diyor, hala tam olarak kadınların karşılaştıkları engellerin idrak etmez.
Kaynak: thedrum.comIt's hard to
comprehend that I was there, in a foreign country.
Ben yabancı bir ülkede, orada olduğunu anlamak zor.
Kaynak: coloradodaily.comstudents use too much of their processing capacity to read individual word s, which interferes with their ability to
comprehend what is read.
Kaynak: Reading comprehensionLanguage acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and
comprehend language, as well as to produce and use
Kaynak: Language acquisitionAccording to Sima Qian , Confucius said: "The disciples who received my instructions, and could themselves
comprehend them, were seventy-
Kaynak: Disciples of ConfuciusIn social psychology , construals are how individuals perceive,
comprehend, and interpret the world around them, particularly the behavior
Kaynak: ConstrualsOrganizational Intelligence (OI) is the capability of an organization to
comprehend and conclude knowledge relevant to its business purpose
Kaynak: Organizational intelligenceChartjunk refers to all visual elements in charts and graphs that are not necessary to
comprehend the information represented on the graph
Kaynak: ChartjunkVisual literacy in education develops a student's visual literacy - their ability to
comprehend, make meaning of, and communicate through
Kaynak: Visual literacy in education