The new SimCity has a relentless, often
compulsive forward momentum to it.
Yeni SimCity bunun için amansız, genellikle kompulsif ileri momentum var.
Kaynak: hoarder Brian Clenshaw evicted from home after court order.
Kompulsif stokçu Brian Clenshaw mahkeme kararı sonrası evden tahliye.
Kaynak: Obsessive
compulsive cleaner Linda Dykes cleans around the clock.
Obsesif kompulsif temizleyici Linda Dykes saat temizler.
compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension,
Kaynak: Obsessive–compulsive disorderCompulsive overeating, also sometimes called food addiction, is characterized by an obsessive/
compulsive relationship to food.
Kaynak: Compulsive overeating The obsessive–
compulsive spectrum is a model of medical classification where various psychiatric, neurological and/or medical conditions are
Kaynak: Obsessive–compulsive spectrumPseudologia fantastica, mythomania,
compulsive lying or pathological lying are three of several terms applied by psychiatrist s to the
Kaynak: Pseudologia fantasticaAlternative explanations for the condition include
compulsive and impulsive behavioral models. The International Classification of
Kaynak: Hypersexuality