A spruce
cone is shown with a marked fibonacci number sequence.
Bir ladin koni belirgin bir fibonacci sayı dizisi ile gösterilir.
Kaynak: coloradoan.comThe task of destigmatizing hair coloring fell to Shirley Polykoff at Foote,
Cone & Belding.
Saç boyama destigmatizing görevi Foote, Cone & Belding at Shirley Polykoff düştü.
Kaynak: adweek.comJohn "Jack"
Cone was found beaten and killed inside his home on Sierra Way on April 2, 2012.
John "Jack" Cone 2 Nisan 2012 tarihinde Sierra Way dövüldü ve onun ev içinde öldürülmüş halde bulundu.
Kaynak: dailybulletin.comCoNE for effective drug policy to tackle trafficking.
Kaçakçılığıyla mücadele için etkili bir ilaç politikası için koni.
Kaynak: e-pao.net A
cone is an n-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a base (usually flat and circular) to a point called the apex or
Kaynak: ConeA
cone (in formal botanical usage: strobilus , plural strobili) is an organ on plant s in the division Pinophyta (conifer s) that
Kaynak: Conifer coneVolcanic
cones are among the simplest volcanic formations. vent , piling up around the vent in the shape of a
cone with a central crater.
Kaynak: Volcanic coneAn ice cream
cone, poke or cornet is a dry,
cone-shaped pastry , usually made of a wafer similar in texture to a waffle , which enables
Kaynak: Ice cream coneTucker and Tenorio's proposed classification system for the
cone shells and their allies (and the other clades of Conoidean gastropods )
Kaynak: ConidaeIn linear algebra , a (linear)
cone is a subset of a vector space that is closed under multiplication by positive scalars .
Kaynak: Cone (linear algebra)In linear algebra , a convex
cone is a subset of a vector space over an ordered field that is closed under linear combination s with
Kaynak: Convex coneIn topology , especially algebraic topology , the
cone CX of a topological space X is the quotient space : CX (X imes I)/(X imes
Kaynak: Cone (topology)In category theory , a branch of mathematics , the
cone of a functor is an abstract notion used to define the limit of that functor.
Kaynak: Cone (category theory)Once a critical volume of magma and gas accumulates, the obstacle (rock blockage) of the volcanic
cone is overcome, leading to a sudden
Kaynak: StratovolcanoA speaker
cone, loudspeaker
cone, or diaphragm can be manufactured from various materials depending on driver implementation ( i.e.
Kaynak: Speaker coneA
cone clutch serves the same purpose as a disk or plate clutch . However, instead of mating two spinning disks, the
cone clutch uses two
Kaynak: Cone clutch>