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conjuration ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

conjuration anlamı
1) ruh çağırma
2) sihir
3) yalvarma
4) rica etme
5) büyücülük
6) hokkabazlık

"conjuration" için örnek kullanımlar

These days I often recall the poet Robinson Jeffers's conjuration of this ancient tale: "The mad girl with the staring eyes and long white fingers.
"Bakan gözleri ve uzun beyaz parmakları ile deli bir kız: Bu günlerde çoğu bu eski masal şairi Robinson Jeffers adlı sihir hatırlıyorum.
Kaynak: original.antiwar.com
Sure enough, midwifed by an odd conjuration of geopolitical, military connivance, here is Mohammedan faith, anointed and branded, for its role as successor to Hitler.
Tabii ki, jeopolitik, askeri göz yumması garip bir ruh çağırma yoluyla ebelik, burada Hitler'in halefi olarak rolünü için, Müslüman inanç, meshetti ve markalı olduğunu.
Kaynak: nolanchart.com
Objectives of conjuration: The conjuration of the ghost s or soul s of the dead for the purpose of divination is called necromancy .
Kaynak: Evocation
Conjuration can refer to: A ritual, mystical or illusory conjuration Conjuration (album), an album by Behemoth Conjuring (book), a book by
Kaynak: Conjuration (disambiguation)
net: "17 mars 1560: la conjuration d'Amboise" Miquel 1980:213. " "Returning to France to garner more funds and ships for the colony in Rio de
Kaynak: Amboise conspiracy
Conjuration | "The grand conjuration" is included in the soundtrack for the video game "Sleeping dogs" , on the radio station "roadrunner
Kaynak: Ghost Reveries
Cinq-Mars, subtitled (Une conjuration sous Louis XIII ), is an opera in four acts by Charles Gounod to a libretto by Paul Poirson & Louis
Kaynak: Cinq-Mars (opera)
Later he supported the repression of the conjuration of Amboise, notably by going to the Parlement of Paris to communicate to its members
Kaynak: Francis II of France
Command or conjuration: Conjuration. Some have performed invocation for the purpose of controlling or extracting favors from certain spirits or
Kaynak: Invocation
Agrippa believed that the movement of the sieve was performed by a demon, and that the conjuration Dies, mies, jeschet, benedoefet, dowima
Kaynak: Coscinomancy
Regional synonym s for hoodoo include conjuration, conjure, witchcraft , or rootwork Older sources from the 18th and 19th century
Kaynak: Hoodoo (folk magic)
That's why he published in 1674 la Conjuration des Espagnols contre la République de Venise en l'année M. DC. XVIII. Spanish conjuration
Kaynak: César Vichard de Saint-Réal

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