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considering ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

considering anlamı
1) düşünen
1) göre
2) rağmen
3) göz önünde tutulursa
4) dikkate alınırsa
5) yine de
1) hesaba katma
1) şartlar göz önünde tutulursa

"considering" için örnek kullanımlar

Breaking News · Missouri lawmakers considering child care funding increases.
Breaking News çocuk bakımı fon artışı dikkate · Missouri milletvekilleri.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
GOProud founder 'seriously' considering challenge to Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham GOProud kurucusu 'ciddiye' düşünüyor meydan.
Kaynak: thehill.com
This is to be expected, considering the Latin origins of the prefix: together.
Birlikte: Bu önek Latince kökeni dikkate alınarak, beklenen budur.
Kaynak: core77.com
News in Brief: City considering fire department staffing changes.
Kısaca Haberler: Şehir dikkate itfaiye kadro değişiklikleri.
Kaynak: theaggie.org
Three-dimensional space is a geometric 3-parameters model of the physical universe (without considering time) in which we exist.
Kaynak: Three-dimensional space
Astronomy in China has a very long history, with historians considering that "they the Chinese were the most persistent and accurate
Kaynak: Chinese astronomy
Parochialism means being provincial, being narrow in scope, or considering only small sections of an issue. It may, particularly when used
Kaynak: Parochialism
A national symbol is a symbol of any entity considering itself and manifesting itself to the world as a national community – namely
Kaynak: National symbol
The history of Morocco spans over 12 centuries, without considering the Classical antiquity . The territory corresponding to Morocco was
Kaynak: History of Morocco
Because imports and exports balance exactly when considering the whole world, this also equals the total global gross domestic product
Kaynak: Gross world product
In statistics , an interaction may arise when considering the relationship among three or more variables, and describes a situation in
Kaynak: Interaction (statistics)
In mathematics , the qualifier pointwise is used to indicate that a certain property is defined by considering each value f(x) of some
Kaynak: Pointwise
The National Football League (NFL) has long been rumoured to be considering placing one of its franchises in Canada 's most-populous city
Kaynak: National Football League in Toronto
In probability theory and statistics , the definition of variance is either the expected value (when considering a theoretical
Kaynak: Squared deviations
Climate justice is generally used as a term for viewing climate change as an ethical issue and considering how its causes and effects
Kaynak: Climate justice
Anticipation, or being enthusiastic, is an emotion involving pleasure , excitement , and sometimes anxiety in considering some expected
Kaynak: Anticipation (emotion)
Colour-blind casting, non-traditional casting or integrated casting is the practice of casting a role without considering the actor's
Kaynak: Colour-blind casting
Anticipation (emotion), an emotion involving pleasure in considering some expected or longed-for good event, or irritation at having to
Kaynak: Anticipation
National Knowledge Commission, is an Indian think-tank charged with considering possible policies that might sharpen India's comparative
Kaynak: National Knowledge Commission
Self-transcendence is a personality trait associated with experiencing spiritual ideas such as considering oneself an integral part of the
Kaynak: Self-transcendence
The idealisation consists in considering the behaviour of one isolated parcel of air having constant density, its motion on a horizontal
Kaynak: Balanced flow
Non-Aligned Movement , movement of states considering themselves not formally aligned with or against any minor power bloc. non-belligerent
Kaynak: Nonalignment

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