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cordially ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

cordially anlamı
1) candan
2) samimiyetle
3) içtenlikle
4) samimi olarak
5) canlandırıcı olarak

"cordially" için örnek kullanımlar

Relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend and asked to please
Akrabalar ve arkadaşlar candan davet ve lütfen sorulur
Kaynak: wareham-ma.villagesoup.com
Lenny greeted us cordially as always, but didn't bat an eye at our beards.
Lenny candan her zaman olduğu gibi bizi karşıladı, ama bizim sakallı bir göz yarasa yoktu.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
All Mogaveers of UAE are cordially invited to attend this grand event.
BAE Tüm Mogaveers candan bu büyük etkinliğe katılmak için davet edilir.
Kaynak: daijiworld.com
I welcome you all with great joy and cordially greet each one of you.
Ben büyük bir sevinç ile hepiniz hoş geldiniz ve candan her biri selamlıyorum.
Kaynak: thetablet.co.uk
People of all these villages live very cordially like brothers with mutual respect and love for each other. Though the village falls under
Kaynak: Kurree
He welcomed us and received us cordially as his guests for three days. It so happened that the father of Publius was sick with a fever and
Kaynak: Saint Publius
He participated in the Battle of Civitate in the years of his arrival and was received cordially by his half-brother Humphrey , the
Kaynak: William of the Principate
These men arrived in Utah in the summer of that year, and though they were cordially welcomed, they soon came into conflict with the
Kaynak: Runaway Officials of 1851
saying "I cordially recommend the first chapter of Aunt Jane of Kentucky as a tract in all families where the menfolk tend to selfish or
Kaynak: Eliza Calvert Hall
South Africa , and Rhodesia where they were cordially received and treated to a reception at the home of Ian Douglas Smith the Prime Minister.
Kaynak: George Pole
"I cordially recommend the first chapter of Aunt Jane of Kentucky as a tract in all families where the menfolk tend to selfish or
Kaynak: Aunt Jane of Kentucky
Though a conforming Jew, and though contributing liberally toward the support of the synagogue, D'Israeli appears never to have cordially
Kaynak: Benjamin D'Israeli
For each endeavor, Bates wanted to prove that he would be treated cordially in regions supposedly hostile to Americans and found himself
Kaynak: Gilbert Bates
by the Martian s, fled to a planet named Tafa, where the foolish inhabitants welcomed him cordially and made him a citizen of their planet.
Kaynak: Byomjatrir Diary
by hearing this news the jailed masses cordially begged poleramma to let them free and promised amma to built a temple in kondapaturu,by
Kaynak: Kondapaturu
Although Hasekura's embassy was cordially received in Europe, it happened at a time when Japan was moving toward the suppression of
Kaynak: Hasekura Tsunenaga
He was cordially welcomed by the Emperor Constantine IX , but spurned by the patriarch. Eventually, on 16 July 1054, despite the fact
Kaynak: Humbert of Silva Candida

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