coriaceous | content
coriaceous defn leathery; stiff and tough, but somewhat flexible. term corm | content corm defn fleshy, swollen
Kaynak: Glossary of botanical termsdistinctive
coriaceous , fleshy, thick leaves It is one of four shrubs endemic to New Zealand that frequently displays an epiphytic lifestyle.
Kaynak: Pittosporum kirkiirigidifolia is formed from the Latin words rigidus (rigid) and folia (leaves), and refers to the plant's stiff,
coriaceous leaf blades.
Kaynak: Nepenthes rigidifoliaIts fronds are
coriaceous like plastic and its rachis is very thick, dark garnet color and brilliance. A typical feature of this fern,
Kaynak: Asplenium azoricumMembers of this family have 2-ranked
coriaceous leaves, which, if fresh, typically have a radish-like or peppery taste. The flowers are
Kaynak: PutranjivaceaeThe leaves are rigid,
coriaceous and often have pellucid dots. One species (Mammea americana ) is found in tropical America and the West
Kaynak: MammeaThe lanceolate
coriaceous leaves are alternate, about 12 cm long. The margins are smooth. Venation is pinnate . They have white to rusty
Kaynak: AlphitoniaThe
coriaceous leaves are sessile, arising from clasping sheathes which cover the stem. The congested paniculate inflorescence arises from
Kaynak: Epidendrum dendrobioidesPlants bear more or less clustered unifoliate pseudobulbs (rarely bifoliate),
coriaceous dark-olive leaves, and possess long
Kaynak: AdamantiniaThe plant is characterized by erect ramicauls enveloped by two basal sheaths and carrying a single apical, erect,
coriaceous leaf where it
Kaynak: Stelis ornataindigenous tree with a straight trunk that grows to 10 meters with
coriaceous rigid oval leaves which produces a nutritious fruit smaller
Kaynak: ÁcanaMembers of the family often have a Reticulation reticulate venation and
coriaceous wings, and a head with a sharp vertex. Calopsocidae are
Kaynak: Calopsocidaebeam date February 2013 and underside glabrous,
coriaceous or chartaceous, pinnatinervadas,date February 2013 lateral nerves 8–9 pairs,
Kaynak: Litsea glaucescensLeaves opposite, 6-20 x 2–10 cm, ovate-broadly lanceolate or lanceolate
coriaceous, entire, acute, grey tomentose beneath, petiole 1.25-
Kaynak: Wendlandia exsertaMembers of this family have reduced,
coriaceous wings. The family comprises 22 known species (four of them fossils) in eight genera.
Kaynak: SphaeropsocidaeThe sub-opposite to alternate pinnately compound leaves bear three to five opposite to sub-opposite pairs of
coriaceous leaflets,
Kaynak: Alfaroa williamsiiD.falcata bears grey barks, thick
coriaceous leaves variable in shape with stout flowers (Wealth of India. 2002). The flowering
Kaynak: Dendrophthoe falcataThe leaves are deciduous, cauline, alternate, simple, lanceolate to elliptic to orbiculate, 0.5–10 x 0.5–5.5 cm, thin to
coriaceous, with
Kaynak: AmelanchierThe leaves are evergreen , small (25–40 mm long and 10–16 mm wide), thick,
coriaceous and lustrous, dark green, with toothed borders and
Kaynak: Nothofagus dombeyiThe plant has long leaves, with a tough (
coriaceous ) consistency because of the aridity in the canopy of trees, due to a short dry season
Kaynak: Cattleya labiata