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crossbeam ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

crossbeam anlamı
1) kuşak kirişi

"crossbeam" için örnek kullanımlar

Gordon says the paint was damaged on the underside of a crossbeam, but no damage was apparent to the bridge itself.
Gordon boya kirişinin alt hasar gördü diyor, ama hiçbir hasar köprünün kendisi için belirgin oldu.
Kaynak: kusi.com
Gordon said the paint was damaged on the underside of a crossbeam, but that no damage was apparent to the bridge itself.
Gordon boya kirişinin alt hasar, ancak hiçbir zarar köprünün kendisi için belirgin olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
To enhance its operations, BTI also named Crossbeam veteran Thomas Nolette as its senior vice president of global operations.
Faaliyetlerini geliştirmek için, BTI ayrıca küresel operasyonları kendi kıdemli başkan yardımcısı olarak kiriş emektar Thomas Nolette adlandırılmış.
Kaynak: fiercetelecom.com
Crux immissa or Latin cross is a type of the cross in which the vertical beam sticks above the crossbeam, as the main representation of
Kaynak: Crux immissa
The cross often has three horizontal crossbeams, and the bottom crossbeam is slanted downwards. In the Greek Orthodox Church , as well as
Kaynak: Orthodox cross
The crossbeams span 56 meters (lowest crossbeam), 72 metres (middle crossbeam) and 57 metres (highest crossbeam). Each pylon has a self-
Kaynak: Elbe Crossing 2
The crossbeam and lower links maintain the correct toe angle of one wheel relative to the other, however due to the relative angles of the
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Theology, dealing specifically with the crucifixion of Jesus, says it is most likely that the stauros had a transverse in the form of a crossbeam. "
Kaynak: Instrument of Jesus' crucifixion

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