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cupidity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

cupidity anlamı
1) hırs
2) açgözlülük

"cupidity" için örnek kullanımlar

Stupidity with its brothers, cupidity and vanity, is what has paralyzed Congress.
Onun kardeşleri, hırs ve kibir ile Stupidity Kongresi felç budur.
Kaynak: countytimes.com
We might not match Galvan's cupidity, but it would be foolhardy to give us the chance.
Biz Galvan en hırs aynı olmayabilir, ama bize bir şans vermek için gözükara olurdu.
Kaynak: nola.com
Their own insatiable cupidity will be used to lure them in like the pigs that they are.
Kendi doyumsuz hırs olduklarını domuzlar gibi onları çekmeye de kullanılacaktır.
Kaynak: reason.com
THE argument over state royalty payments captures both Canberra's stupidity and its cupidity.
Devlet royalty ödemeleri üzerinden argüman Canberra aptallığı ve hırs hem yakalar.
Kaynak: heraldsun.com.au
Radix Malory est cupidity is a Biblical quotation in Latin that means "greed is the root of evils" (or, in sentence order, the root of
Kaynak: Radix malorum est cupiditas
proposes that a common ideology of "self-help, free enterprise, competition, and beneficent cupidity" has guided the Republic since its inception.
Kaynak: The American Political Tradition
Soga asserts that cupidity is said to have been the force that brought Faku and Ncapayi to work together. It is also cupidity that is said
Kaynak: Madzikane
remit, covering "a suggestion, proposal, request, exhortation, gesture, argument, persuasion, inducement, goading or the arousal of cupidity".
Kaynak: Inchoate offences in English law
fearing the usual result in such cases, namely, that such gross corruption would arouse popular resentment, he curbed his habitual cupidity
Kaynak: Marcus Aemilius Scaurus (consul 115 BC)
Triparadisus in 321 BC, but it was not long before the provinces of Phoenicia and Coele-Syria excited the cupidity of his powerful neighbour Ptolemy.
Kaynak: Laomedon of Mytilene
favor, and was even advanced to the office of prothonotary ; but on account of his wealth he soon fell a victim to the cupidity of the pope.
Kaynak: Pedro de Aranda
treasure buried within the Hartz mountains , guarded, and ever disappointing the cupidity of those who would discover and possess themselves of it.
Kaynak: Hell Mary Hill
Eradicate cupidity and plant charity." " "Do you want peace? Do justice, and you will have peace. Justice and peace kiss one another
Kaynak: Communium Interpretes
Soga asserts that cupidity is said to have been the force that brought Faku and Ncapayi to work together. It is also cupidity that is said
Kaynak: Bhaca people
Arabs's drive to conquest sprang chiefly from material want and cupidity, which is easily explained by the economic circumstances of Arabia.
Kaynak: Leone Caetani
Reversed: Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury. It may also signify the possession of skill, in the sense of the ingenious
Kaynak: Eight of Coins
It delineated the four major vices: pride , cupidity, envy and vanity , of which pride was considered the greatest. The third book also
Kaynak: Julianus Pomerius

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