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dabchick ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"dabchick" için örnek kullanımlar

Other names of this grebe include American dabchick, dabchick, Carolina grebe, devil-diver, dive-dapper, dipper, hell-diver, pied-billed
Kaynak: Pied-billed Grebe
Folk names include "dabchick", "swan grebe" and "swan-necked grebe". Western Grebe fossils from the Late Pleistocene of SW North America--
Kaynak: Western Grebe
The shore and islets are nested by different birds, as the mute swan , fish hawk , tarrock , dabchick . History: People settled near the lake
Kaynak: Lake Narach
He is, first, given a memorable description as a "dabchick" flopping through bedpan slops (Lintot was a very large and clumsy man,
Kaynak: Barnaby Bernard Lintot
The place is also known for its 165 species of butterflies, 15 types of dabchick s, wood pigeon and the Nilgiri Pipit . Visitor information
Kaynak: Mannavanur

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