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dachshund ne demek?

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"dachshund" için örnek kullanımlar

Chazlyn Boarding and Grooming will present information on Dachshund care.
Chazlyn Yatılı ve Bakım Dachshund bakımı hakkında bilgi sunacak.
Kaynak: presspubs.com
After watching the video below, I realize, it just might be a dachshund!
Aşağıdaki video izledikten sonra, anlıyorum, bu sadece bir dachshund'larda olabilir!
Kaynak: babble.com
28 with allegedly stealing a miniature poodle and a dachshund from Petland.
İddialara minyatür kaniş ve Petland bir dachshund'larda çalmakla 28.
Kaynak: dailyiowan.com
Dachshund races will take place from 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday at Old World Village
Dachshund yarışları Old World Village pm Pazar 3 ila 4 gerçekleşecek
Kaynak: articles.coastlinepilot.com
The dachshund. (icon | UK | ˈ | d | æ | k | s | ən | d or. US | ˈ | d | ɑː | k | s | h | ʊ | n | t DAHKS | huunt or. US | ˈ | d | ɑː | k | s | ən
Kaynak: Dachshund
dachshund is a gene involved in the development of the arthropod compound eye which also plays a role in leg development. References
Kaynak: Dachshund (gene)
Miniature (or Zwergteckel) dachshund s have a typical weight of 8 to 11 lb, the smaller the dog the better They also are normally a height
Kaynak: Miniature Dachshund
The Wiener Nationals are the United States national dachshund racing championships sponsored by Wienerschnitzel . 8 Dachshunds racing for
Kaynak: Wiener Nationals
Waldi was the first official Olympic mascot Created for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich , he was a dachshund , a popular breed of dog
Kaynak: Waldi
Chanel (May 6, 1988 – August 28, 2009) was a female dachshund that held the Guinness World Records as the world's oldest dog She died at
Kaynak: Chanel (dog)

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