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Dahomeyan ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"Dahomeyan" için örnek kullanımlar

whom academic Samuel Decalo described as "the grandfather of Dahomeyan politics," kept the second seat, which he won in 1946 Apithy
Kaynak: 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état
Although the Dahomeyan Democratic Union (UDD) received the most votes, they won the fewest seats. The Republican Party of Dahomey (PRD
Kaynak: Dahomeyan legislative election, 1959
The Dahomeyan Democratic Party (PDD) was the only one to contest the election, and won all 42 seats in the National Assembly
Kaynak: Dahomeyan parliamentary election, 1964
Dahomeyan presidential election, May 1968 Dahomeyan presidential election, July 1968 Finnish presidential election, 1968 Icelandic
Kaynak: 1968 presidential election
The riots became so serious that the Chief of Staff of the Dahomeyan Army, Christophe Soglo , took control of the country in October to
Kaynak: Hubert Maga
Confédération dahoméenne des travailleurs croyants ('Dahomeyan Confederation of Believing Workers, abbreviated CDTC) was a national trade
Kaynak: Confédération dahoméenne des travailleurs croyants
Dahomeyan Territorial Assembly election, 1952 Dutch general election, 1952 Gabonese legislative election, 1952 Greek legislative election,
Kaynak: List of elections in 1952
0–9: 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état Dahomey at the 1972 Summer Olympics Benin at the 1980 Summer Olympics Benin at the 1984 Summer Olympics
Kaynak: Index of Benin-related articles
Dahomeyan parliamentary election, 1960 Dahomeyan presidential election, 1960 Danish parliamentary election, 1960 Gambian legislative
Kaynak: List of elections in 1960
Dahomeyan presidential election, May 1968 Dahomeyan presidential election, 1970 Lesotho general election, 1970 (won by the Basotho
Kaynak: List of annulled elections

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