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dalliance ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dalliance anlamı
1) oynaşma
2) tembellik
3) üşengeçlik
4) oyalanma
5) cilveleşme

"dalliance" için örnek kullanımlar

And YES, that includes her highly publicized dalliance with 50 Cent!
Ve EVET, 50 Cent ile onu oldukça kamuya oynaşma içerir!
Kaynak: perezhilton.com
Nothing has been confirmed about Miley's alleged dalliance, either.
Hiçbir şey ya, Miley sözde oynaşma konusunda teyit edilmiştir.
Kaynak: examiner.com
He did do his best to keep his clandestine dalliance a secret.
Onun gizli oynaşma gizli tutmak için elinden geleni yaptın.
Kaynak: blog.zap2it.com
Then Sam finds out about Sheila's dalliance with other men rather than with Frasier, much to Frasier's relief, which ends Sam's
Kaynak: The Show Where Sam Shows Up
subsequently revised to 1970 when he turned 17 years old and then later to 1965 or 1966 during his brief dalliance with Marina Cooper in 2006.
Kaynak: Alan-Michael Spaulding
from Greg's live-in girlfriend, scatterbrained television weather girl Stephanie, and the two begin to engage in a dalliance of their own.
Kaynak: Loving Couples (1980 film)
When her husband discovers what he mistakenly believes to be a dalliance with another man he begins divorce proceedings. Eventually the
Kaynak: The Woman on the Rack
Otherwise, "Forget Domani" is heard only in the film's second segment set in Italy circa 1940 and focused on the dalliance between the gun
Kaynak: Forget Domani
Jagger's lyrics allude to dalliance with Death ; Down in the graveyard where we have our tryst, The air smells sweet, the air smells sick;
Kaynak: Dancing with Mr. D

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