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debility ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

debility anlamı
1) halsizlik
2) zayıflık
3) dermansızlık

"debility" için örnek kullanımlar

He also saw Pope John Paul II's final years of physical debility.
Aynı zamanda fiziksel güçsüzlük arasında Papa John Paul II nihai yıl gördüm.
Kaynak: themetropolitain.ca
RA, however, is one of the most important conditions that limits movement and causes debility over time.
RA, ancak hareket sınırlar ve zaman içinde halsizlik yol açan en önemli durumlardan biridir.
Kaynak: news-medical.net
Any condition which leads to debility in the cow such as liver fluke and simply inadequate nutrition, which is an issue on some farms this year.
Gibi karaciğer kurdu ve bu yıl bazı çiftliklerde bir konudur sadece yetersiz beslenme gibi inek halsizlik yol açan herhangi bir durum.
Kaynak: independent.ie
In general, debility refers to a loss of strength. In medicine , debility refers to being weak or feeble. See also : asthenia malaise
Kaynak: Debility (medical)
In astrology , a debility is referred to when a planet or other celestial body is in the sign of its detriment or fall. External links
Kaynak: Debility (astrology)
The first clinical description was provided by the English physician Michael Underwood in 1789, where he refers to polio as "a debility of
Kaynak: Poliomyelitis
"the strength, fortitude or debility of the Planets or significators In other words, essential dignity seeks to view the strengths of a
Kaynak: Essential dignity
This may happen until death , serious debility , or organ failure occurs. Some progressive diseases can be halted and reversed by
Kaynak: Progressive disease
Such extrasystoles are more common during periods of stress or debility; they may also be triggered by consumption of some food like
Kaynak: Ectopic beat
In the Táin Bó Cúailnge , after the Ulstermen have roused from their debility, he and Conchobar mac Nessa rescue eight captive Ulster
Kaynak: Celtchar
The product was said to have a 'safe and rapid effect against general debility, lack of appetite, nervous tension, exhaustion, and sleeping
Kaynak: Phospho-Energon
(Phaladeepika Cancelled debility does not become equal to exaltation, neechabhanga simply removes debility, results produced by a
Kaynak: Neechabhanga Raja yoga
clinical symptoms result from atheroma progression within the heart arteries , most commonly resulting in a heart attack and ensuing debility.
Kaynak: Atheroma
Advice to prevent wastage of horses due to debility by : -: Periodical rest and change of food and water after prolonged work in the
Kaynak: Sinai and Palestine Campaign
the wake of the Spanish—American War, Bulnes attributed Mexico's backwardness to a combination of Iberian conservatism and Indian debility.
Kaynak: Francisco Bulnes (politician)
The text ends by suggesting that her appearance to the Ulstermen is what caused their aforesaid debility This explanation of the Debility
Kaynak: Fedelm
intestinal worms, insanity, epilepsy, nervous debility, forgetfulness, leucoderma, leprosy, skin diseases, TB, ulcers and general debility.
Kaynak: Canscora

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