decanter is ceramic and removable from the plastic circus wagon frame.
Dekantör seramik ve plastik sirk vagon çerçevesinden çıkarılabilir.
Kaynak: burnsville.patch.comShe looks longingly at J.R.'s whiskey
decanter, engraved with his name.
Onun adı kazınmış, JR viskisini dekantör özlemle bakar.
Kaynak: popcultureblog.dallasnews.comIn December, reported that Soo Hoo still has close ties with Hermitage.
Aralık ayında, Sürahi. Com Soo Hoo halen Hermitage ile yakın bağları var olduğunu bildirdi.
Kaynak: decanter.comA brief explanation is also given on the use of a
decanter to avoid sediment in red wines.
Kısa bir açıklama da kırmızı şaraplar tortu önlemek için bir decanter kullanımı verilmektedir.
Kaynak: prweb.comA
decanter is a vessel that is used to hold the decantation of a liquid (such as wine ) which may contain sediment .
Decanters are
Kaynak: DecanterFurther reading :
decanter. com/news/94293. html
Decanter. com September 6, 2006: World's most expensive bottle claimed fake as renowned
Kaynak: Hardy RodenstockDecanter centrifugation: The modern method of olive oil extraction uses an industrial
decanter to separate all the phases by centrifugation
Kaynak: Olive oil extraction External links :
decanter. reclaims 'claret' name | Daily wine news - the latest breaking wine news from around the world | News | publisher
Kaynak: Bordeaux wine