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decease ne demek?

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decease anlamı
1) vefat
2) ölüm
1) ölmek
2) vefat etmek

"decease" için örnek kullanımlar

The decease were identified as Muhammad Ahmed and Akhtar Baloch.
Vefat Muhammed Ahmed ve Akhtar Baloch olarak belirlendi.
Kaynak: sananews.net
The bullish effect of Hugo Chávez decease had already vanished since market players
Hugo Chavez vefat boğa etkisi zaten piyasa oyuncuları yana kaybolmuştu
Kaynak: bunkerworld.com
In June 2011 he was subject to pelvic abscess surgery in Havana, then it was swelling bowel decease.
Haziran 2011 yılında o zaman bu bağırsak vefat şişlik, Havana pelvik abse cerrahi tabiydi.
Kaynak: tiwy.com
As a polite reference to a dead person, it has become common practice to use the participle form of "decease", as in the deceased; the
Kaynak: Death
establishment of Trần clan's ruling in Đại Việt from Hôn Đức Công who kept the throne in nearly two years after the decease of Trần Dụ Tông .
Kaynak: Tran Nghe Tong
He became Treasurer of the King's Household, and on the King's decease had the chief conduct of his funeral. He is said to have been
Kaynak: William Phelip, 6th Baron Bardolf
as wood and pasture, and copyholds very commonly required payment of a type of death duty called a heriot upon the decease of the copyholder.
Kaynak: Copyhold
The decease of Hiến Tông and his father afterward marked the turning-point in history of Trần Dynasty when the country began to fall into
Kaynak: Tran Hien Tong
His first botanical book was published in 1891; it sold well, being released in nine revised editions before Hoffstad's decease during the
Kaynak: Olaf Alfred Hoffstad
his decease, and which is in its own nature ambulatory and revocable during his life 2012, much of it remains in force in England and Wales .
Kaynak: Wills Act 1837
from succeeding after the decease of her Majesty (whom God long preserve) to the imperial crown of this realm and the dominions and
Kaynak: Treason Act 1702
The male line of the family became extinct on the decease of the 3rd Baronet in 1719. However, his nephew John Eyre (d. 1739) took the
Kaynak: Gell baronets
He succeeded to the title of Baron Addington, of Addington , Co. Buckingham upon the decease, in 1982, of his father, James Hubbard, 5th
Kaynak: Dominic Hubbard, 6th Baron Addington
I give and bequeath unto my son QUILLAR one Negro after my decease if either one, besides Vail, and in case I should have no others after
Kaynak: Adam Sherrill
Sitor was considered by A Teeuw to be Indonesia's preeminent poet from Angkatan '45 (The Generation of '45) after the decease of Chairil
Kaynak: Sitor Situmorang
On the latter's decease in 1814 Stuart was elected to succeeded him, and held the seat until 1818, when he was replaced by another member
Kaynak: Lord Evelyn Stuart
In 1828, he became Assistant Secretary to the Treasury upon the premature decease of William Hill, and held that post until 22 January
Kaynak: James Henry Keith Stewart
The master San Ma Shi Tsang was the famous one performed a section of Cantonese opera every years until his decease and crowned as the
Kaynak: Tung Wah Charity Show

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