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deception ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

deception anlamı
1) aldatma
2) hile
3) kandırma
4) aldanma
5) dalavere
6) utanç
7) ayartma
8) kanma

"deception" için örnek kullanımlar

Some parents may have engaged in a little address deception of their own.
Bazı anne-babalar, kendi küçük bir adresi aldatma meşgul olabilir.
Kaynak: amny.com
Deception is down to its last few episodes and much has yet to be resolved.
Aldatma aşağı onun son birkaç bölüm için ve çok çözülmesi henüz.
Kaynak: nerdles.com
Internet Casanova's alleged string of deception ends with capture.
Aldatma İnternet Casanova'nın sözde dize yakalama ile biter.
Kaynak: katu.com
Vicky Pryce admits deception left Eastleigh with a criminal MP.
Vicky Pryce bir suç MP ile Eastleigh sola aldatma kabul ediyor.
Kaynak: standard.co.uk
Military deception refers to attempts to mislead enemy forces during warfare . operations , information warfare , visual deception and other methods.
Kaynak: Military deception
The Soviet Union 's Red Army created the comprehensive doctrine of Maskirovka for military deception, including the use of camouflage
Kaynak: Camouflage
Bluffing is an act of deception that is rarely seen as immoral when it takes place in the context of a game, such as poker , where this
Kaynak: Lie
It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation
Kaynak: Disinformation

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