Celmisia walkeri, also known as Celmisia webbiana is a sub-shrub in the genus Celmisia with spreading, semi-
decumbent, woody stems and
Kaynak: Celmisia walkeriImpatiens flaccida is an erect or
decumbent herb native to the Western Ghats in India and in Sri Lanka . It grows to 50 | cm | in | abbr
Kaynak: Impatiens flaccidaSalvia palifolia is a
decumbent perennial herb native to Colombia and western Venezuela, growing in grassland, cloud forest clearings,
Kaynak: Salvia palifoliaThe plant is variable across its intergrading subspecies, taking a
decumbent to erect form with a stem up to about half a meter long.
Kaynak: Clarkia speciosain a prominent, cone-shaped head; "cone-shaped" because the ray florets tend to point out and down (are
decumbent) as the flower head opens.
Kaynak: RudbeckiaThe stems are prostrate or
decumbent. The leaves are opposite , rarely whorled, and sometimes with a few alternate leaves at the end of
Kaynak: AnagallisThe stems may be
decumbent or erect, 10-40 cm in length, with narrow cauline leaves that may drop off before the flower develops.
Kaynak: DowningiaM. parviflora leaf extracts possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities It has a
decumbent or erect habit, growing to 50 cm in
Kaynak: Malva parvifloraCakile species grow as annual plants with an erect or
decumbent stem. The common species in Europe and North America grow close to the
Kaynak: Cakiledisturbed areas as both a perennial and annual Erect when young, this plant later becomes
decumbent as it lays down, and branches regularly.
Kaynak: Oxalis strictaGeneral form ranges from
decumbent to erect, with leaves either pinnately lobed or compound; the lobes or leaflets may themselves range
Kaynak: LimnanthesThe aboveground stems are up to 30 centimeters long and are mostly
decumbent, forming a mat. The leaves are up to 15 centimeters long and
Kaynak: Astragalus alpinusEach individual flower is
decumbent . As they age, the flowers become brown and paper-like. The fruit is a pod usually containing two
Kaynak: Trifolium aureumThey are densely hairy perennial herbs often growing prostrate or
decumbent, along the ground in patches or clumps. They bear
Kaynak: PhysariaIt grows from a rhizome and produces
decumbent or erect stems which may just exceed one meter in length. The branching stems may root at
Kaynak: Persicaria punctataThe subspecies rupicola (Wyoming threetip sagebrush) is a dwarf subspecies with
decumbent branches, spreading to about half a meter but
Kaynak: Artemisia tripartitaIt may be
decumbent, the stem spreading along the ground and rooting where it touches moist substrate, or erect in form. The oppositely
Kaynak: Veronica anagallis-aquaticaIt is a rhizomatous perennial herb producing a
decumbent or upright stem 40 to 60 centimeters in maximum height. It is mostly hairless in
Kaynak: Veronica scutellataIn contrast to most bamboos, it grows as a dense, climbing or
decumbent shrub. Its aerial culms are solid, unlike most bamboos, which have
Kaynak: Chusquea quilaIt grows
decumbent or erect to a maximum height near 60 centimeters. The inflorescence is usually divided into two branches lined with
Kaynak: Paspalum distichum