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deep ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

deep anlamı
1) derin
2) koyu
3) içten
4) ağır
5) aşırı
6) tok
7) şiddetli
8) yürekten
9) keskin
10) genişliğinde
11) anlaşılmaz
12) pes
13) karışık
14) dalgın
15) esrarlı
16) bilinçaltı
1) derinlik
2) karanlık
3) koyuluk

"deep" için örnek kullanımlar

The current state of emergency in the deep South will expire on March 19.
Derin Güney olağanüstü mevcut durumu 19 Mart'ta sona erecek.
Kaynak: nationmultimedia.com
MetaBrand seeks to use deep pool of talent to nurture nascent brands.
MetaBrand doğmakta olan marka beslemek için yetenek derin havuzu kullanmak istiyor.
Kaynak: nutraingredients-usa.com
Ramelius digs deep at Western Queen South March 12, 2013 10:01 AM.
Ramelius Western Queen Güney 12 Mart itibariyle derin kazılar, 2013 10:01.
Kaynak: finnewsnetwork.com.au
Nat Geo explores the inhabitants of the deep in their "Kingdom of the Oceans" special.
Nat Geo özel onların "Oceans Krallığı" derin sakinleri araştırıyor.
Kaynak: abcnews.go.com
Deep vein thrombosis, or deep venous thrombosis, (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein. Thrombosis associated
Kaynak: Deep vein thrombosis
The meaning of the term deep diving is a form of technical diving It is defined by the level of the diver's diver training , diving
Kaynak: Deep diving
Sweeper, an alternative name for deep cover, deep extra cover or deep midwicket (that is, near the boundary on the off side or the on side
Kaynak: Fielding (cricket)
The abyssal zone is the abyssopelagic layer or pelagic zone that contains the very deep benthic communities near the bottom of ocean s. "
Kaynak: Abyssal zone
The deep fibular nerve (deep peroneal nerve) begins at the bifurcation of the common fibular nerve , between the fibula and upper part
Kaynak: Deep fibular nerve
In human anatomy , the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP, Latin for "deep bender of the fingers") is a muscle in the forearm that flexes
Kaynak: Flexor digitorum profundus muscle
transformational grammar ), the deep structure of a linguistic expression is a theoretical construct that seeks to unify several related structures.
Kaynak: Deep structure

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