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deep-rooted ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

deep-rooted anlamı
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"deep-rooted" için örnek kullanımlar

is a popular cultural attitude and code of honour that places heavy importance on a deep-rooted "code of silence ", non-cooperation with
Kaynak: Omertà
Cúnla is a deep-rooted Irish folksong, it was initially written in the Irish language . History: Cúnla was believed to be written sometime
Kaynak: Cúnla
is a large deep-rooted Sunni Muslim Arabian tribe widespread through Iraq, Syria and slightly of them in Turkey and Jordan ,And they
Kaynak: Al-Baggara
one species is continuously cropped, and can also improve soil structure and fertility by alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants.
Kaynak: Crop rotation
displaced the natural deep-rooted grass es that normally kept the soil in place and trapped moisture even during periods of drought and high winds.
Kaynak: Dust Bowl
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is also known to Ukrainians by a deep-rooted alternative name: Prykarpattia (although some sources may also
Kaynak: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Revanchist politics often rely on the identification of a nation with a nation-state , often mobilizing deep-rooted sentiments of ethnic
Kaynak: Revanchism
Fowokan's work is full of the ambivalence he sees in the deep-rooted spiritual and mental conflict between the African and the European
Kaynak: Fowokan
Beqasoor is a 1950 Bollywood film about a simple girl caught in the cross-fire of a deep-rooted sibling rivalry between her upright
Kaynak: Beqasoor
and deep-rooted rivalries among various ethnic groups, including the descendants of the freed American slaves who founded the country in 1847.
Kaynak: Leymah Gbowee
Russian Knapweed is a deep-rooted long lived perennial. Some stands have been in existence for 75 years. It forms dense colonies in
Kaynak: Russian knapweed
Their music speaks to a deep-rooted dedication to craftsmanship, quality and originality. As a collective, they have contributed their
Kaynak: Tone Mason
culture Lebanese Arabic is universally spoken while food, music, and literature are deep-rooted “in wider Mediterranean and Levantine norms
Kaynak: Culture of Lebanon
The Santa Compaña ("Holy Company") is a deep-rooted myth ical belief in rural Galicia and Asturias (where it is called Güestia), Spain .
Kaynak: Santa Compaña
Originally deep-rooted in the more traditional roots and foundation of Reggae that helped build their reputation as a serious act, their
Kaynak: John Brown's Body (band)
This was the first exchange of what would become a deep-rooted commercial relationship between the UK and Chile . In the Valparaíso they
Kaynak: English Chilean
which symbolizes our deep-rooted presence in this area, which has since the Six-Day War become an integral part of the State and its security".
Kaynak: Netzer Hazani

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