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delirium ne demek?

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"delirium" için örnek kullanımlar

Fox's Delirium has added a So You Think You Can Dance winner to its cast.
Sen onun döküm kazanan Can Dance düşünün Yani Fox'un Delirium bir ekledi.
Kaynak: hollywoodreporter.com
It's a psychological thriller that delves into ideas of trust and delirium.
Bu güven ve deliryum fikirleri içine Delves bir psikolojik gerilim.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
The students would have stormed the Crisler Center floor in delirium.
Öğrenciler deliryum Crisler Merkezi kat ettiler olurdu.
Kaynak: freep.com
Delirium tremens (Latin for "shaking frenzy", also referred to as The DTs, "the horrors", or "the shakes.") episode of delirium that is
Kaynak: Delirium tremens
Excited delirium is a condition that manifests as a combination of delirium , psychomotor agitation , anxiety , hallucination s, speech
Kaynak: Excited delirium

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