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delusive ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

delusive anlamı
1) aldatıcı
2) gerçek dışı
3) hayali
4) asılsız

"delusive" için örnek kullanımlar

Patterns can be delusive, then.
Desenler sonra, gerçek dışı olabilir.
Kaynak: fortnightlyreview.co.uk
It would be delusive to mount a counter terrorism strategy in the absence of a well coordinated effort between the centre and all the states.
Bu, merkezi ve tüm durumları arasında iyi koordine edilmiş bir çaba yokluğunda bir karşı mücadele stratejisi monte etmek için gerçek dışı olabilir.
Kaynak: deccanherald.com
yeshe ye-shes) rather than on mind, and that emphasize the fact that consciousness is a conditioned, delusive, impermanent appearance
Kaynak: Five wisdoms
nameless guilt combined with a suspicion the external world was a delusive projection of the mind--these were major elements in the vision
Kaynak: Dark romanticism
he has spoken with derision of such delusive documents as peace-pacts and such delusive ideas as the spirit of Locarno. Rumbold concluded by
Kaynak: Sir Horace Rumbold, 9th Baronet
The obstruction of delusive emotions is overcome at the attainment of the path of seeing, and the obstructions to knowledge are overcome
Kaynak: Bhūmi (Buddhism)
Taalem , Mystery Sea and Drone Records ) Uhlig decided to release his now much more minimalistic and serene works under a less delusive name.
Kaynak: Mirko Uhlig
biographer of Muhammad, characterized Lammens as "filled with a holy contempt for Islam, for its 'delusive glory', and 'lascivious' prophet
Kaynak: Non-Muslim view of Ali
After a delusive first experience in a top club (Milan, season 1976–77 ), he coached in lower series. In 1988 he signed for Reggiana ,
Kaynak: Giuseppe Marchioro
The “purposive” man is always trying to secure a spurious and delusive immortality for his acts by pushing his interest in them forward
Kaynak: Jam tomorrow
Blue or violet is the colour of frustration, when the poet understands that his hope to see the Lady is delusive. The yellow colour of
Kaynak: Alexander Blok

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