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demeanor ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

demeanor anlamı
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"demeanor" için örnek kullanımlar

She said the toddler's demeanor didn't change and he just went on playing.
O yürümeye başlayan tavır değiştirmediğini söyledi ve o sadece oynamaya devam ettiler.
Kaynak: abclocal.go.com
But that change of pace hasn't ruined this delightful animal's demeanor.
Ama hızı bu değişikliği bu keyifli hayvanın tavır harap olmamıştır.
Kaynak: palos.patch.com
And she could only describe their demeanor as being in a state of paradise.
Ve o sadece cennet bir devlet olarak kendi tavır tarif olabilir.
Kaynak: allhiphop.com
This would sound extremely creepy if she didn't have such a sweet demeanor.
O böyle tatlı bir tavır yoktu, bu son derece ürkütücü ses olur.
Kaynak: unews.com
Erving Goffman , a Canadian-born sociologist and writer , explored the relationship between deference and demeanor in his 1967 essay "The
Kaynak: Deference
A tell in poker is a change in a player's behavior or demeanor that is claimed by some to give clues to that player's assessment of their
Kaynak: Tell (poker)
(formerly Etsuko Takenaka) is a retired Japanese badminton player noted for her consistency and impassive demeanor, who won numerous
Kaynak: Etsuko Toganoo
It has a sleepy demeanor and attracts only a small number of tourists. The ruins of a Christian religion basilica from the 5th century or
Kaynak: Tigzirt
Autistic art is art created by autistic artists or art which captures or conveys a variety of autistic experiences or demeanor.
Kaynak: Autistic art
appearance, that of a long-suffering, vaguely glib demeanor that makes him easily recognizable whenever he shows up in a film or on television.
Kaynak: Wesley Mann
for a rebelliousness coupled with an increasingly somber and humble demeanor; Pareles | 1994 for providing free concerts inside prison walls
Kaynak: Johnny Cash
was an American politician , noted for his intellectual demeanor, eloquent oratory , and promotion of liberal causes in the Democratic Party .
Kaynak: Adlai Stevenson II
enduring American icon, he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height.
Kaynak: John Wayne
toward the end of his career – and he is popular among spectators and other players alike for his winning demeanor and shot-making abilities.
Kaynak: Fabrice Santoro
Known for his transatlantic accent , debonair demeanor and "dashing good looks", Grant is considered one of classic Hollywood 's
Kaynak: Cary Grant

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