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descendant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

descendant anlamı
1) torun
2) oğul
3) düşen şey
4) neslinden olan kişi

"descendant" için örnek kullanımlar

The series stars Ania Skywalker, a new descendant of the Skywalker clan.
Serisi yıldızlı Ania Skywalker, Skywalker klanının yeni soyundan.
Kaynak: fempop.com
Gandhi descendant at UM: 'Utopian socialism' may force oppressors to reform.
UM de Gandi torunu: 'Ütopik Sosyalizm' zalimlere reform zorlayabilir.
Kaynak: mtstandard.com
MENIFEE: Descendant of Meriwether Lewis to address 'myth' of suicide.
Menifee: intihar 'efsane' ele Meriwether Lewis Alçalan.
Kaynak: blog.pe.com
Connection to Butch Cassidy; descendant to discuss outlaw's life.
Butch Cassidy bağlantısı; haydut hayatı görüşmek üzere soyundan.
Kaynak: laramieboomerang.com
Descendant or Descendent may refer to: Lineal descendant , a blood relative in the direct line of descent. Collateral descendant , a relative
Kaynak: Descendant
A lineal descendant, in legal usage, refers to a blood relative in the direct line of descent - the children , grandchildren, great-
Kaynak: Lineal descendant
is an honorific title, it denotes males accepted as descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad , who is the descendant of Ishmael and
Kaynak: Sayyid
In astrology , the descendant is the point directly opposite, or 180 degrees away from the ascendant . The descendant forms the cusp of
Kaynak: Descendant (astrology)
In mathematics , in the field of group theory , a subgroup of a group is said to be descendant if there is a descending series starting
Kaynak: Descendant subgroup

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