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descriptive ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

descriptive anlamı
1) tanımlayıcı
2) betimsel
3) belirtici
4) resmedici

"descriptive" için örnek kullanımlar

Those warnings are more descriptive of the potential destruction in a storm.
Bu uyarılar bir fırtına potansiyel yıkım daha açıklayıcı vardır.
Kaynak: kfdi.com
It is just too descriptive of Egyptian reality on the subject of conversion.
Bu dönüşüm konusunda Mısır gerçekliğin sadece çok açıklayıcı.
Kaynak: albawaba.com
You can record your reaction to events, photos and news in a single descriptive.
Tek bir tanımlayıcı olayları, fotoğraf ve haber için tepki kaydedebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
The more specific or descriptive the words are, the better your results will be.
Daha özel ya da tanımlayıcı kelimeler, sonuçları olacak daha iyi.
Kaynak: standard.net
He abandoned long descriptive names of classes and orders still used by his immediate predecessors (Rivinus and Pitton de Tournefort) and
Kaynak: Biological classification
used, are often contrasted with the alternative approach of descriptive linguistics , which observes and records how language actually is used.
Kaynak: Linguistic prescription
Regional geographers focused on the collection of descriptive information about places, as well as the proper methods for dividing the
Kaynak: History of geography
The descriptive theory and its merits : A simple descriptivist theory of names can be thought of as follows: for every proper name p, there
Kaynak: Descriptivist theory of names
Positive statements are also often referred to as descriptive statements. See also : Philosophy of social science Philosophy of law
Kaynak: Positive science
others from using the word or symbol in these other senses, such as if the trademark is a descriptive word or common symbol such as a pine tree.
Kaynak: Fair use (U.S. trademark law)
In mathematical logic , descriptive set theory is the study of certain classes of "well-behaved " subset s of the real line and other
Kaynak: Descriptive set theory
The term descriptive science is used to identify a category of science and distinguish it from other categories of science.
Kaynak: Descriptive science

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