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dextrose ne demek?

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dextrose anlamı
1) üzüm şekeri

"dextrose" için örnek kullanımlar

The first shortage of cardiac epinephrine and 50% dextrose occurred in 2010.
Kardiyak epinefrin ve% 50 dekstroz ilk sıkıntısı 2010 yılında oluştu.
Kaynak: ems1.com
fructose, glucose, galactose, maltose, and dextrose are some of the more common sugars.
früktoz, glikoz, galaktoz, maltoz, ve dekstroz daha yaygın şekerler arasında.
Kaynak: communities.washingtontimes.com
I had to force feed her for a few days, and give her dextrose and warm water every few hours.
Ben birkaç gün için onu beslemek ve onun dekstroz ve sıcak su birkaç saatte vermek zorlamak zorunda kaldı.
Kaynak: emporiagazette.com
Glucose (ˈ | ɡ | l | uː | k | oʊ | s or - | k | oʊ | z; C 6 H 12 O 6, also known as D-glucose, dextrose, or grape sugar) is a simple
Kaynak: Glucose
Simple sugars are called monosaccharide s and include glucose (also known as dextrose), fructose and galactose . The table or granulated
Kaynak: Sugar
dextrose, with water as the solvent) used for intravenous therapy , where it may function both as a volume expander and a means of
Kaynak: Intravenous sugar solution
carbohydrate s eaten or drunk, or it may be severe enough to cause unconsciousness requiring intravenous dextrose or an injection of glucagon .
Kaynak: Diabetic hypoglycemia
Potato dextrose agar (BAM Media M127) and potato dextrose broth are common microbiological growth media made from potato infusion , and
Kaynak: Potato dextrose agar
Cultured dextrose is a food additive used to inhibit the growth of undesirable bacteria and mold in food. Often used in place of
Kaynak: Cultured dextrose
Later adjusted by Chester W. Emmons when the pH level was brought closer to the neutral range and the dextrose concentration lowered to
Kaynak: Sabouraud agar
Potato Dextrose Broth, see Potato dextrose agar Chess Problem Database Server (PDB Server) Partei der deutschsprachigen Belgier, the
Kaynak: PDB
YEPD or Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose, also often abbreviated as YPD, is a complete medium for yeast growth. , and glucose or dextrose .
Kaynak: YEPD
Cunninghamella elegans is a species of fungus in the genus Cunninghamella found in soil It can be grown in Sabouraud dextrose broth, a
Kaynak: Cunninghamella elegans
Equal is a brand of artificial sweetener containing aspartame , dextrose and maltodextrin . It is marketed as a tabletop sweetener by
Kaynak: Equal (sweetener)
The extent of conversion is typically quantified by dextrose equivalent (DE), which is roughly the fraction of the glycosidic bond s in
Kaynak: Starch
Water slide decals (or slip decals) are water-mounted decal s generally printed face up and rely on the dextrose corn sugar residue from
Kaynak: Water slide decal

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