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dilute ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dilute anlamı
1) sulandırmak
2) seyreltmek
3) cansızlaştırmak
4) açmak
5) etkisini azaltmak
1) seyreltik
2) sulandırılmış
3) etkisi azalmış

"dilute" için örnek kullanımlar

And those methods don't have to dilute the economic model of the club.
Ve bu yöntemleri kulübün ekonomik model sulandırmak zorunda değilsiniz.
Kaynak: thisisanfield.com
Remaining open would dilute existing investors by further raising our cash level.
Açık Kalan fazla bizim nakit düzeyini yükselterek mevcut yatırımcıların sulandırmak olurdu.
Kaynak: mfwire.com
Democrats say they fear GOP will try again to dilute Ritz power.
Demokratlar GOP Ritz gücünü sulandırmak için tekrar deneyin korkuyorum söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: thestatehousefile.com
Making public this data now would only dilute the sensational value of the news item.
Bu veriler artık sadece habere sansasyonel değeri sulandıracağı kamu yapma.
Kaynak: newslaundry.com
Often in informal, non-technical language, concentration is described in a qualitative way, through the use of adjectives such as "dilute
Kaynak: Concentration
Pigment dilution, sometimes referred to as hypomelanism, has been called leucism, albinism (perfect, impartial, or dilute), ghosting,
Kaynak: Dilution gene
other carbohydrate s and producing carbon , heat, steam, and a more dilute acid containing increased amounts of hydronium and bisulfate ions.
Kaynak: Sulfuric acid
To that end, dilute magnetic semiconductors have recently been a major focus of magnetic semiconductor research. These are based on
Kaynak: Magnetic semiconductor
Since interactions between molecules play almost no role, dilute gases form rather trivial solutions. In part of the literature, they are
Kaynak: Solution
The (B) and (O) genes can be further modified by a recessive dilute gene (dd) which softens the colors. Orange becomes Cream, Black
Kaynak: Tortoiseshell cat
Homeopathy involves a process known by practitioners as "dynamisation" or "potentisation" whereby a substance is wikt:dilute | dilute d
Kaynak: Homeopathic dilutions
A cutting agent is a chemical used to "cut" (wikt:dilute | dilute ) illicit drugs with something less expensive than the drug itself.
Kaynak: Cutting agent
A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of boson s cooled to temperature s very near absolute zero (0 | u K
Kaynak: Bose–Einstein condensate
A detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with "cleaning properties in dilute solutions These substances are usually
Kaynak: Detergent

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