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disincline ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

disincline anlamı
1) isteğini kaçırmak
2) soğutmak

"disincline" için örnek kullanımlar

But although that policy might disincline the court to ratify any transaction which involved preferring a pre-liquidation creditor, it has
Kaynak: Re Gray's Inn Construction Co Ltd
He also knew of the deep mutual dislike the two Russian commanders had for each other which would further disincline them to support one
Kaynak: Max Hoffmann
.though facts, as I see them, disincline me to accept his theories, I have none the less the deepest veneration for his noble character
Kaynak: John Battersby Crompton Lamburn
In the northeastern United States when the summer weather is especially hot and dry, it may disincline people from outdoor activity.
Kaynak: Weather and climate effects on Lyme disease exposure
in such a manner as will be most likely to disincline Mexico to acts of hostility ..." Saratoga operated in the Gulf attempting to
Kaynak: USS Saratoga (1842)

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