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dodder ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dodder anlamı
1) küsküt
2) bağbozan
3) şeytansaçı
1) titremek
2) sendelemek
3) sallanmak

"dodder" için örnek kullanımlar

A significant fish kill on the river Dodder in Dublin is being investigated.
Önemli bir balık araştırılmaktadır Dublin nehir Dodder üzerinde öldürür.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
We're born, endure puberty, grow wisdom teeth, reproduce, develop poor eyesight, dodder and then exit the highway, right on cue.
Biz doğduk, ergenlik tahammül yirmilik dişler büyüyecek, çoğaltamaz, kötü görme, küsküt geliştirmek ve ardından sağ işaret üzerine, otoyol çıkış.
Kaynak: coloradoan.com
The liquid is also ineffective against dodder, a parasitic plant known in Maltese as pitma, that obtains its nutrients from its host plant.
Sıvı ayrıca küsküt, kendi ana bitki kendi besin alır pitma olarak Malta bilinen bir parazit bitki, karşı etkisizdir.
Kaynak: timesofmalta.com
As part of the agreement, the minimum time that Dodder will serve will be a maximum of four years with the Michigan Department of Corrections.
Anlaşmanın bir parçası olarak, Dodder hizmet edeceği minimum süre Düzeltmeler Michigan Bölümü ile dört yıllık bir maksimum olacaktır.
Kaynak: cheboygannews.com
The Greater Dodder or the European dodder (Cuscuta europaea) is a parasitic plant native to Europe , which belongs to the family
Kaynak: Cuscuta europea
Cuscuta salina is a species of dodder known by the common name salt marsh dodder. It is native to western North America, where it lives
Kaynak: Cuscuta salina
Its common names include 'large-seeded alfalfa dodder' in the USA and 'golden dodder' in Australia . It has been confused in some recent
Kaynak: Cuscuta campestris
Cuscuta approximata is a species of dodder known by the common name alfalfa dodder. It is native to Eurasia and Africa, but it is also
Kaynak: Cuscuta approximata
Genera: Cuscuta L. – dodder Tribe Dichondreae. Calycobolus Willd. ex Schult. Dichondra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Dipteropeltis Hallier f.
Kaynak: Convolvulaceae
Cuscuta californica is a species of dodder known by the common names Chaparral dodder and California dodder. It is native to western
Kaynak: Cuscuta californica
Cuscuta pacifica is a species of dodder . Native to the coast of western North America from British Columbia to Baja California , it
Kaynak: Cuscuta pacifica

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