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dowry ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dowry anlamı
1) çeyiz
2) yetenek
3) drahoma
4) Allah vergisi

"dowry" için örnek kullanımlar

Although severely punished since 1961, dowry violence is on the increase.
Ciddi 1961 yılından beri ceza rağmen, çeyiz şiddet artmaktadır.
Kaynak: rocklandtimes.com
For 2012, no dowry cases were registered whereas the BS received six cases.
BS altı olguya ise 2012 için, hiçbir çeyiz vaka kaydedildi.
Kaynak: thehindu.com
It's like Pride & Prejudice; they need to make sure they get a sizable dowry.
Bu Pride & Prejudice gibi; onlar oldukça büyük bir çeyiz almak emin olmanız gerekir.
Kaynak: hollywoodlife.com
Her husband pursued her, demanding that she return his dowry money.
Kocası onun çeyiz parayı iade talebiyle, onu izlemiştir.
Kaynak: blogs.indiewire.com
A dowry is the money , goods , or estate that a woman brings to a marriage (A dowry consisting mainly of linen and clothing, or the
Kaynak: Dowry
The payment of a dowry gift, often financial, has a long history in many parts of the world. In India , the payment of a dowry was
Kaynak: Dowry law in India
(Compare dowry , which is paid to the groom, or used by the bride to help establish the new household, and dower , which is property
Kaynak: Bride price
In India, dowry. (दहेज, hi | Dahēja in Hindi is the payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to bridegroom's family along with the bride.
Kaynak: Dowry system in India
Quran translations below), from a translator's lack of knowledge of the true meaning of the word dowry, or is mistranslated into the word gift.
Kaynak: Mahr
at a whimsical "dowry rate" or dowry worth The website was launched on May 6, 2011 and was viral within a couple of hours of it being live.
Kaynak: Dowry Calculator
com is India's first matrimonial website for dowry free marriages The website was launched on April 2, 2006 by Nalini Chidambaram , a
Kaynak: Idontwantdowry.com
It is also known as the marriage problem, the sultan's dowry problem, the fussy suitor problem, the googol game, and the best choice
Kaynak: Secretary problem
Asia, in which a bride is killed at home by her husband or husband's family due to his dissatisfaction over the dowry provided by her family.
Kaynak: Bride burning
A hope chest, dowry chest, cedar chest, or glory box is a chest used to collect items such as clothing and household linen, by unmarried
Kaynak: Hope chest

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