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draught ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

draught anlamı
1) taslak
2) tasarı
3) çekme
4) cereyan
5) çekiş
6) hava akımı
7) yudum
8) askerlik
9) müsvedde
10) istismar
11) sıkıntı
12) ödeme emri
13) manga
14) ağ çekme
15) para çekme
16) fıçıdan içki çekme
17) foroz
18) rahatsızlık
19) dama oyunu
20) bir fırt
1) görevlendirmek
2) askere almak
3) taslağını çizmek
4) tasarlamak
5) planlamak
6) tasarı hazırlamak

"draught" için örnek kullanımlar

Its main activities include production of draught and bottled soft drinks.
Ana faaliyetleri fıçı ve şişe meşrubat üretmek bulunmaktadır.
Kaynak: en.tengrinews.kz
"There are certain beers that are only available in draught," he said.
"Taslak sadece mevcut olan bazı bira vardır," dedi.
Kaynak: wboc.com
It looks so pretty and optimistic it's worth putting up with a slight draught.
Bu hafif bir taslak kadar koyarak değer çok güzel ve iyimser görünüyor.
Kaynak: fashion.telegraph.co.uk
Draft or draught may mean: Draught beer or other beverage, served from a bulk keg or cask rather than a bottle or can. Demand Draft, a
Kaynak: Draft
The draft (or draught) of a ship's hull is the vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull (keel ), with the
Kaynak: Draft (hull)
Draught beer, also spelt draft, is beer served from a cask or keg Canned draught is beer served from a pressurised container containing
Kaynak: Draught beer
Controlling draught: Most boilers now depend on mechanical draught equipment rather than natural draught. This is because natural draught is
Kaynak: Boiler
A draft horse (US), draught horse (UK) or dray horse (from the Old English dragan meaning to draw or haul; compare Dutch dragen meaning
Kaynak: Draft horse
Chimney draught or draft: Image:Chimney effect. svg | The stack effect in chimneys: the gauges represent absolute air pressure and the airflow
Kaynak: Chimney
Uses and comparison to other draught animals: File:Sixten. jpg | Riding an ox in Hova , Sweden . Oxen can pull heavier loads, and pull for a
Kaynak: Ox
Such animals are grouped as a draught or draft animal. Others may be used as pack animal s, for animal-powered transport , the movement of
Kaynak: Working animal
Air draft (or draught) is the distance from the surface of the water to the highest point on a vessel , similar to the "deep draught" of a
Kaynak: Air draft
In nautical parlance, the draft or draught of a sail is a degree of curvature in a horizontal cross-section. Any sail experiences a
Kaynak: Draft (sail)
A black draught was a saline aperient mixture used, along with a blue pill , as a purgative in the 19th century and well into the early part
Kaynak: Black draught
A draught excluder or draft stopper is used to eliminate cold draft and slow heat loss. Tubular sand-filled fabric draught excluders are
Kaynak: Draught excluder
The Australian Draught Horse is a hardy breed of Australia n draught horse noted for its strength and a good temperament. Australian
Kaynak: Australian Draught Horse

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