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drawbridge ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

drawbridge anlamı
1) asma köprü
2) iner kalkar köprü
3) açılıp kapanan köprü

"drawbridge" için örnek kullanımlar

She said that the UK must not 'pull up the drawbridge on the outside world'.
O İngiltere'nin dış dünya üzerindeki asma köprü yukarı çekin 'gerektiğini söyledi.
Kaynak: workpermit.com
As soon as March 18, crews will start repairing the the drawbridge.
En kısa sürede 18 Mart gibi, ekipleri asma köprü tamir başlayacak.
Kaynak: wnct.com
Northgate Capital, a new investor in Drawbridge, leads this round.
Northgate Sermaye, Drawbridge yeni bir yatırımcı, bu turda açar.
Kaynak: pehub.com
The steel truss drawbridge over the Chicago River is used by nearly 100,000 people a day.
Chicago Nehri üzerinde çelik makas köprüleri yaklaşık 100.000 kişi bir gün tarafından kullanılır.
Kaynak: chicagonow.com
A drawbridge or draw-bridge is a type of movable bridge typically associated with the entrance of a castle surrounded by a moat .
Kaynak: Drawbridge
A bascule bridge (sometimes referred to as a drawbridge ) is a moveable bridge with a counterweight that continuously balances the span
Kaynak: Bascule bridge
The Prescott Drawbridge, also called the Point Douglas Drawbridge is a steel girder bridge with a double-leaf drawbridge section.
Kaynak: Prescott Drawbridge
The Cortland Street Drawbridge (originally known as the Clybourn Place drawbridge over the Chicago River is the original Chicago-style
Kaynak: Cortland Street Drawbridge
A drawbridge mentality is the attitude of people who have migrated to a more exclusive or more "unspoiled" community and then campaign to
Kaynak: Drawbridge mentality
A drawbridge is a type of moveable bridge. Drawbridge may also refer to: Geography : Drawbridge, California , a ghost town in the USA.
Kaynak: Drawbridge (disambiguation)
The Sparkill Creek Drawbridge is a historic Pratt Pony Truss drawbridge located at Piermont in Rockland County, New York .
Kaynak: Sparkill Creek Drawbridge
is a drawbridge in Nagoya Port in Nagoya , Japan . History : It was used on a rail line bound for Nagoya but has not been used since the rail
Kaynak: Nagoya Port Drawbridge

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