dread ax of federal tax exemptions for municipal bonds.
Şehirler belediye tahvilleri için federal vergi muafiyeti dehşet balta.
Kaynak: bizjournals.comAfter record tourists last year, Kashmiris
dread bad season.
Sonra rekor turist geçen yıl, Keşmirliler dehşet kötü bir sezon.
Kaynak: news.oneindia.inJames Corden: I
dread spilling wine over Kylie Minogue.
James Corden: Kylie Minogue fazla korkuyorum dökülüp şarap.
Kaynak: Agyekum Kufuor: Why I
dread the word 'corruption'.
John Agyekum Kufuor: Neden korkuyorum kelime 'yolsuzluk'.
Kaynak: osundefender.orgto be sad
Dread may refer to. Fear , associated with
dread, an emotion. Angst , a profound and deep-seated spiritual condition of insecurity
Kaynak: DreadPopular slogans, often incorporated within reggae lyrics, include: "Not every
dread is a Rasta and not every Rasta is a
dread..."; "
Kaynak: Rastafari movementSynthetic
dreads, also called
dread extensions
dread falls, and cyberlocks, are interlocked coils of synthetic hair , mostly kanekalon ,
Kaynak: Synthetic dreads