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dreamlike ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dreamlike anlamı
1) rüya gibi

"dreamlike" için örnek kullanımlar

This isn't a dreamlike work; and I find no hint in it of secret messages.
Bu bir rüya işi değildir; ve ben gizli mesaj içinde hiçbir ipucu bulabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
It has the same dreamlike quality as angelic voices sing you to sleep.
Melek sesler uykuya şarkı gibi aynı rüya kalite vardır.
Kaynak: massively.joystiq.com
But Chaudhuri's prose is tender, almost dreamlike, even in criticism.
Ama Chaudhuri düzyazı bile eleştiride, neredeyse rüya, ihale.
Kaynak: dnaindia.com
ShamRain is a Finnish band which plays slow, dreamlike music, also categorized as atmospheric rock music. They were established in 2000
Kaynak: ShamRain
Nicoletta Ceccoli is an Italian Artist who is known for her richly detailed, dreamlike work. She was born in and still lives in the
Kaynak: Nicoletta Ceccoli
Arauz funneled his emotions into his work creating some of the most beautiful, heartfelt and dreamlike imagery to date. Both his use of
Kaynak: Félix Arauz
At the start of the piece, there is a slow dreamlike introduction consisting of tritone phrases. This soon unwinds into the “goat-like”
Kaynak: Danse de la chèvre
The narrative does not run strict in chronological order, but rather uses extensive flashbacks, "memory editing," and dreamlike fantasy
Kaynak: L'Immortelle
environments that take the visitor into a fantastic, dreamlike universe which is both aesthetically pleasing and psychologically disquieting.
Kaynak: Børre Sæthre
Set in a dreamlike portrayal of Herriman's vacation home of Coconino County, Arizona , Krazy Kat s mixture of offbeat surrealism ,
Kaynak: Krazy Kat
the narration of junkie William Lee, who takes on various aliases, from the US to Mexico, eventually to Tangier and the dreamlike Interzone .
Kaynak: Naked Lunch
by Federico Fellini Amid Fellini's characteristic combination of dreamlike, outrageous, and artistic imagery, Marcello Mastroianni plays
Kaynak: City of Women

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