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dried ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dried anlamı
1) kurutulmuş
2) kuru
3) kurumuş

"dried" için örnek kullanımlar

IT'S not your grandfather's retirement, not nearly as cut and dried.
BT Dedenin emeklilik, yaklaşık olarak kesilmiş ve kurutulmuş değil'S.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Variations: Make your muffins into "spotted dogs" and add chopped dried fruit.
Varyasyonlar: "benekli köpekler" içine kekler yapın ve doğranmış kuru meyve ekleyin.
Kaynak: jsonline.com
Any number of seeds, nuts, chopped dried fruit and even chocolate can be added.
Herhangi bir sayıda tohum, fındık, kurutulmuş meyve doğranmış ve hatta çikolata ilave edilebilir.
Kaynak: santacruzsentinel.com
A haul of dried caterpillars has been seized at Gatwick Airport during a luggage check.
Kurutulmuş tırtılların bir mesafe bagaj kontrolü sırasında Gatwick Havaalanı'nda ele geçirildi.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
To be considered "dried", the final product must be solid, in the form of a continuous sheet (e.g., paper), long pieces (e.g.,
Kaynak: Drying
Dried shrimp are shrimp that have been sun dried and shrunk to a thumbnail size. They are used in many Asian cuisines, imparting a unique
Kaynak: Dried shrimp
Straw wine, or raisin wine, is a wine made from grapes that have been dried to concentrate their juice. The result is similar to that of
Kaynak: Straw wine
Powdered milk or dried milk is a manufactured dairy product made by evaporating milk to dryness . One purpose of drying milk is to
Kaynak: Powdered milk
Dried meat is a feature of many cuisines around the world. Examples include: is an Afghan salty dried meat of sheep, lamb and its mostly
Kaynak: Dried meat
Freeze dried vegetables are often found in food for backpackers, hunters, the military, etc. Garlic and onion are often dried. Edible
Kaynak: Drying (food)
They set their hair in waves and curls using wet clay, which they dried in the sun and then combed out, or else by using a jelly made of
Kaynak: Hairstyle
let the wind and sun dry it. Drying food is the world's oldest known preservation method, and dried fish has a storage life of several years.
Kaynak: Dried fish
If the meat is cold smoked, it should be dried quickly to limit bacterial growth during the critical period where the meat is not yet dry
Kaynak: Curing (food preservation)
Dried shredded squid is a dried, seasoned, seafood product commonly found in coastal Asia n countries, Russia and Hawai'i, made from squid
Kaynak: Dried shredded squid
Conpoy or dried scallop is a type of dried seafood product made from the adductor muscle of scallop s The smell of conpoy is marine,
Kaynak: Conpoy
Sun-dried tomato es are ripe tomatoes that lose most of their water content after spending a majority of their drying time in the sun.
Kaynak: Sun-dried tomato
Dried cherries are a type of dried fruit . They consist of cherries which have been subjected to a drying process . Production
Kaynak: Dried cherry

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