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dung ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

dung anlamı
1) gübre
2) bok
1) gübrelemek

"dung" için örnek kullanımlar

The mud flooring is maintained by regularly applying cow dung paste.
Çamur döşeme düzenli inek gübresi yapıştırma uygulanarak yapılmaktadır.
Kaynak: thehindu.com
Mariah Carey shares a 'horse dung kiss' with husband Nick Cannon.
Mariah Carey eşi Nick Cannon ile birlikte bir "at gübresi öpücük 'paylaşıyor.
Kaynak: ok.co.uk
I guess if you guys heave enough dung at the wall eventually something will stick.
Size bir şey sopa olacak sonunda duvara yeterli gübresi vira eğer sanırım.
Kaynak: profootballtalk.nbcsports.com
According to them, 10,000 cattle can produce enough dung to set up a 1 MW power plant.
Onlara göre, 10.000 sığır, 1 MW santral kurmak için yeterli gübre üretebilir.
Kaynak: dnaindia.com
Cow dung, also known as cow pat, is the waste product of bovine animal species. These species include domestic cattle ("cows"), bison
Kaynak: Cow dung
Some animal feces, especially those of camel , bison and cattle , are used as fuel when dried out Animal dung, besides being used as
Kaynak: Feces
product obtained after decomposition of organic matter like cow-dung which replenishes the soil with essential elements and add humus to the soil.
Kaynak: Manure
Coprophilous fungi (literally dung-loving fungi) are a type of saprobic fungi that grow on animal dung . The hardy spores of coprophilous
Kaynak: Coprophilous fungi
The scarab beetle subfamily Scarabaeinae consists of species collectively called true dung beetle s. subfamily feed exclusively on dung .
Kaynak: Scarabaeinae
Dung middens, also known as dung hills are piles of dung that mammal s periodically return to and build up They are used as a form of
Kaynak: Dung midden

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