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duple ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

duple anlamı
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2) çift

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Other offerings from Karbonn in the Duple series include Karbonn A9+ and A21 priced at Rs.
Ikili seri Karbonn Diğer teklifleri Karbonn A9 + ve Rs fiyatlı A21 bulunmaktadır.
Kaynak: gadgets.ndtv.com
His rhythmic complications, usually tense with the pull of duple against triple, here generate lively percolation.
Üçlü karşı ikili bir çekme genellikle gergin Onun ritmik komplikasyonlar, burada canlı perkolasyon oluşturur.
Kaynak: thirdcoastdigest.com
The finale is a lively dance in duple time and the soloist showed tremendous verve throughout in a completely faultless performance.
Finali ikili zaman içinde canlı bir dans ve solist tamamen hatasız performans boyunca muazzam bir şevk gösterdi.
Kaynak: thisissomerset.co.uk
But Vivaldi's music is altered and tweaked, with some steady duple and triple meters transformed into irregular Afghan rhythmic patterns.
Ama Vivaldi'nin müziği düzensiz Afgan ritmik desenleri dönüştürülmüştür bazı istikrarlı ikili ve üçlü metre, değişmiş ve tweaked.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Duple meter (or duple metre, also known as duple time) is a musical metre characterized by a primary division of 2 beats to the bar,
Kaynak: Duple and quadruple meter
A Hoedown is a type of American folk dance or square dance in duple meter , and also the musical form associated with it. Overview
Kaynak: Hoedown
Krakowiak is a fast, syncopated Polish dance in duple time from the region of Krakow and Little Poland . This dance is known to imitate
Kaynak: Krakowiak
The rigaudon (also spelled rigadon, rigadoon) is a French baroque dance with a lively duple metre . The music is similar to that of a
Kaynak: Rigaudon
A highland is an Irish musical form in duple meter , largely idiomatic of Donegal . Like the fling , it is related to the Scottish
Kaynak: Highland (Irish)
A cibell, alternatively spelled cebell, is a gavotte -like musical piece in duple metre , predominantly heard in Baroque music .
Kaynak: Cibell
A fling is an Irish musical form in duple meter . Like the highland , it is related to the Scottish highland fling and the hornpipe ,
Kaynak: Fling (Irish)

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