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duress ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

duress anlamı
1) baskı
2) zorlama
3) şantaj
4) tutuklama
5) hapis

"duress" için örnek kullanımlar

And they were incriminating themselves, very likely under duress.
Ve onlar baskı altında, çok büyük olasılıkla kendilerini suçlayıcı edildi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Raiden said he didn't see any evidence that Irizarry was "operating under duress."
Raiden o Irizarry dair herhangi bir kanıt görmedim dedi "Tehdit altında faaliyet."
Kaynak: news-journalonline.com
Under duress, he appeared in a video made by Cuban authorities.
Baskı altında, Kübalı yetkililer tarafından yapılan bir video ortaya çıktı.
Kaynak: lcsun-news.com
All of these things come into play when players have to make decisions under duress.
Oyuncular baskı altında karar vermek zorunda olduğunda tüm bu şeyler devreye girer.
Kaynak: poundingtherock.com
In jurisprudence , duress or coercion refers to a situation whereby a person performs an act as a result of violence, threat or other
Kaynak: Duress
A duress code is a covert signal used by an individual that is under duress to indicate their state. The term duress code typically refers
Kaynak: Duress code
Stress and duress is a term which has been used by the United States to describe interrogation techniques authorised for use by United
Kaynak: Stress and duress
However, contrasting to cases involving business parties, the threat to do a lawful act will probably be duress if used against a
Kaynak: English contract law
Suicides committed under duress are included. Deaths by accident or misadventure are excluded. Individuals who might or might not have
Kaynak: List of suicides
In law, coercion is codified as the duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way.
Kaynak: Coercion
The accused must not have foregone some safe avenue of escape The duress must have been an order to do something specific, so that one
Kaynak: English criminal law
Panicfire is a term for firing a weapon while under panic or other extreme duress, (exhaustion , Fight-or-Flight .) This forces the
Kaynak: Panicfire
idea for the same area of law, which can in turn be further broken down into cases on duress , undue influence and exploitation of weakness .
Kaynak: Unconscionability in English law
Hibbert, 1995 2 SCR 973, is a leading Supreme Court of Canada decision on aiding and abetting and the defence of duress in criminal law
Kaynak: R. v. Hibbert
It held that a person who agrees to a contract under physical duress may avoid the contract, even if the duress was not the main reason
Kaynak: Barton v Armstrong
Per minas has been used as a defense of duress to certain crime s, as affecting the element of Mens rea William Blackstone , the often-
Kaynak: Per minas
html EWCA Civ 19 is an English contract law case relating to duress . considered to be economic duress if the act would in any event be lawful.
Kaynak: CTN Cash and Carry Ltd v Gallaher Ltd
UKPC/1979/2.html UKPC 2 is an contract law appeal case from the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong decided by the Privy Council , concerning duress .
Kaynak: Pao On v Lau Yiu Long
Ruzic, 2001 1 S.C.R. 687 is a leading decision of the Supreme Court of Canada on the common law defence of duress and constitutionality
Kaynak: R. v. Ruzic

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