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educated ne demek?

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"educated" için örnek kullanımlar

In fact, the number of these highly educated returnees is ever increasing.
Aslında bu son derece eğitimli dönenlerin sayısı giderek artmaktadır.
Kaynak: newsudanvision.com
Chechen man educated in Cotswolds to go on trial over Putin plot.
Çeçen'in Putin arsa üzerine mahkemeye gitmek Cotswolds eğitimli.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
Orgilmaa Doloonjin: 'I genuinely dream of a more educated and civilized Mongolia.'
Orgilmaa Doloonjin: 'Ben gerçekten bir daha eğitimli ve uygar Moğolistan hayal ediyorum.'
Kaynak: ubpost.mongolnews.mn
Children with disabilities were often educated by physicians or special tutors. These early physicians (people like Itard , Seguin , Howe
Kaynak: Education
College educated workers command a significant wage premium and are much less likely to become unemployed than less educated workers
Kaynak: Higher education
According to sociologist Max Weber the upper middle class consists of well-educated professionals with graduate degree s and comfortable
Kaynak: Upper middle class
African immigrants have been the most highly-educated group in the United States since the 1990s This phenomenon is related to the large "
Kaynak: Educational attainment in the United States
Because of the implementation of public education, a new social class of educated Filipinos arose, the ilustrados . This new enlightened
Kaynak: Education in the Philippines
The following people were educated at Westminster School in London , and are sometimes listed with OW (Old Westminster) after their name
Kaynak: List of people educated at Westminster School
"largely self-educated Watt, like some other autodidacts of the time, became a Fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the Lunar Society .
Kaynak: Autodidacticism
(See also St Peter's College list )Following the "Introduction" section below is an alphabetical list of persons educated at St Peter's
Kaynak: List of people educated at St Peter's College, Auckland
"Unschooling" does not indicate that the child is not being educated, but that the child is not being "schooled", or educated in a rigid
Kaynak: Homeschooling

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