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eduction ne demek?

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"eduction" için örnek kullanımlar

Cantor cites 'eduction reform' as possible common ground with Obama.
Obama ile mümkün ortak bir zemin olarak Cantor değinir 'Eğitimi alanlarında reform'.
Kaynak: thehill.com
Adult eduction classes continue in Aughavas Community Centre every Thursday night.
Yetişkin Eğitimi alanlarında sınıflar her Perşembe gecesi Aughavas Toplum Merkezi'nde devam ediyor.
Kaynak: leitrimobserver.ie
Michael was a firm believer in ongoing outdoor eduction and backcountry/avalanche safety.
Michael sürekli açık Eğitimi alanlarında ve backcountry / çığ güvenliği bir inancı idi.
Kaynak: steamboattoday.com
 Kids in school are bullied, assaulted and many many of them get a substandard eduction.
Okulda  Çocuklar, zorbalık saldırdı ve birçok birçoğu bir altı Eğitimi alanlarında olsun.
Kaynak: kimatv.com
In geology, eduction is a process in which the Earth crust spreads sideways, exposing deep-seated rocks. It is prominent in middle layers
Kaynak: Eduction (geology)
START (for ST rategic A rms R eduction T reaty) was a bilateral treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet
Kaynak: START I
New START (for St rategic A rms R eduction T reaty) (Russian: СНВ-III, SNV-III) is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United
Kaynak: New START
START II (for St rategic A rms R eduction T reaty) was a bilateral treaty between the United States of America and Russia on the
Kaynak: START II
IRAF (an acronym for I mage R eduction and A nalysis F acility) is a collection of software written at the National Optical Astronomy
Kaynak: IRAF
START III (for St rategic A rms R eduction T reaty) was a proposed bi-lateral nuclear disarmament treaty between the United States and
St rategic A rms R eduction T reaties , a series of arms reduction treaties between the US and USSR. START I (1991) START II (1993)
Kaynak: Start
Mulaik began his eduction in 1940 at the Kindergarten at the Stewart School, the training school for teachers at the University of Utah.
Kaynak: Stanley Mulaik
The Western Gneiss Region is the archetype for this exhumation mode, which has been termed 'eduction' or subduction inversion
Kaynak: Ultra-high-pressure metamorphism
can be used to represent L oss of e lectron is o xidation; G ain of e lectron is r eduction. Oil Rig: O xidation i s l oss; R eduction i s g
Kaynak: List of chemistry mnemonics
Sainath's work showed how the combinations of status, poverty and eduction empowered exploitation and institutional failure.
Kaynak: Amnesty International UK Media Awards 2000
There are many institutions of eduction in Ghotki that carry a great faculty and learning environment. Some well-known educational
Kaynak: Ghotki District
"OIL RIG"—O xidation I s L oss of electrons, R eduction I s G ain of electrons. " lectrons is O xidation, G ain of E lectrons is R eduction. "
Kaynak: Redox
Under this policy, more emphasis was given to national eduction, creative thinking, collaborative learning as well as ICT literacy.
Kaynak: Education in Singapore

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