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effervescence ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

effervescence anlamı
1) galeyan
2) köpürme
3) coşku

"effervescence" için örnek kullanımlar

It features a lively effervescence, grassy taste and a pleasant sour note.
Bu canlı bir galeyan, çimenli tadı ve hoş bir ekşi notu bulunmaktadır.
Kaynak: silive.com
Despite her effervescence, teacher Vicki Richardson is surprisingly media shy.
Onu effervescence rağmen, öğretmen Vicki Richardson şaşırtıcı medya utangaç.
Kaynak: thejakartapost.com
Collective effervescence (CE) is a perceived energy formed by a gathering of people as might be experienced at a sporting event, a carnival
Kaynak: Collective effervescence
Effervescence might refer to one of the following: Effervescence is the escape of gas from an aqueous solution. Collective effervescence is
Kaynak: Effervescence (disambiguation)
Condado Bridge Beach is a beach effervescence located at the end of Ashford Avenue in Condado, Puerto Rico . Public ambiance: Coral green
Kaynak: Condado Bridge Beach
substance and additional amounts of it will appear as a separate phase (as a precipitate if solid or as effervescence or inclusion if gaseous).
Kaynak: Saturation (chemistry)
A | a | none With this method the effervescence for more complex wines is produced by secondary fermentation in the bottle. As the name
Kaynak: Sparkling wine production
expressions; the new generation, among sons of the middle class , were immersed in an effervescence that would not reappear in Argentina until 1983.
Kaynak: Luis Alberto Spinetta
minerals such as malachite and brochantite , though it can be distinguished from the former by a lack of effervescence in hydrochloric acid .
Kaynak: Antlerite
While unique in flavour, and level of effervescence, they are most similar to Wonka brand Bottle Caps , and SweeTarts in the US markets,
Kaynak: Fruit Tingles
(which create highly emotional state—collective effervescence —and invest symbols with sacred importance), and the moral community (a
Kaynak: Émile Durkheim
See also: Collective effervescence Collective intelligence Collective unconscious Communal reinforcement Crowd psychology Group behaviour
Kaynak: Collective consciousness
See also : Collective effervescence Collective hysteria Collective consciousness (and Georg Lukács ' critique of Le Bon's crowd psychology,
Kaynak: Crowd psychology
See also: Collective effervescence Collective hysteria Collective intelligence Collective narcissism Crowd psychology Group conflict
Kaynak: Group behaviour
The first ODTs disintegrated through effervescence rather than dissolution, and were designed to make taking vitamins more pleasant for
Kaynak: Orally disintegrating tablet
It dissolves with effervescence in dilute nitric acid . A blowpipe test will cause it to fuse very readily, and gives indications for lead
Kaynak: Cerussite
Chemistry of the effervescence: the effervescence is produced by the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and citric acid reacting to form
Kaynak: Alka-Seltzer

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