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effuse ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

effuse anlamı
1) dökmek
2) dışarı akıtmak
3) sızdırmak
4) açılmak
5) sızmak
6) yayılmak
1) yayılmış
2) dağılmış

"effuse" için örnek kullanımlar

Together as the Lovers Key, the two effuse a timeless air in their tunes.
Birlikte Lovers Key olarak, iki kendi melodileri zamansız bir hava yayılmak.
Kaynak: blogs.browardpalmbeach.com
As Disney's Lady and the Tramp taught us, few foods effuse passion quite like pasta.
Disney Lady and the Tramp bize öğrettiği gibi, birkaç gıdalar oldukça makarna gibi tutku dökmek.
Kaynak: lamag.com
Nasreen herself appeared pleased, though she didn't seem overwhelmed and she certainly didn't effuse in the way some students do after a positive response.
O bunalmış değildi ve o kesinlikle olumlu bir yanıt sonra bazı öğrencilerin mutlaka bir şekilde yayılmış vermedi gerçi Nasreen kendini, memnun göründü.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
Some in Romney's camp were upset that Christie offered such effuse praise for President Obama's handling of the Hurricane Sandy response, which came in the days before the election.
Romney kampında bazı Christie seçimden önce gün geldi Hurricane Sandy yanıtı, Başkan Obama'nın bu tür effuse övgü sunulan protesto edildi.
Kaynak: boston.com
the hole is considerably smaller than the mean free path of the molecules According to Graham's law , the rate at which gases effuse (i.e.,
Kaynak: Effusion
It can effuse through solids like a gas , and dissolve materials like a liquid . In addition, close to the critical point, small
Kaynak: Supercritical fluid
It is described as effuse when the basal or anterior extremity is slightly produced, depressed or reflected, as in Thiara . When the lip
Kaynak: Lip (gastropod)
The base of the shell is well rounded posteriorly, effuse anteriorly. It is marked by six low, spiral cords, the two nearest the umbilical
Kaynak: Boonea cincta

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