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eighteenth ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

eighteenth anlamı
1) onsekizinci
1) onsekizinci şey
2) onsekizde bir

"eighteenth" için örnek kullanımlar

It's the eighteenth green at Pebble Beach, and you need a birdie to win.
Bu at Pebble Beach onsekizinci yeşil, ve kazanmak için bir kuş gerekir.
Kaynak: kansan.com
In the modern era, it has been Topic A since the eighteenth century.
Modern çağda, bir onsekizinci yüzyıldan beri konu olmuştur.
Kaynak: counterpunch.org
Actually, Telemann counted in the eighteenth century as the more famous of the two.
Aslında, Telemann iki daha ünlü olarak onsekizinci yüzyılda sayılır.
Kaynak: timesofoman.com
Mindtree takes the eighteenth rank in India's IT companies.
MindTree Hindistan'ın IT şirketlerinin on sekizinci sırada yer almaktadır.
Kaynak: siliconindia.com
Following is a full list of members of the eighteenth Parliament listed first by province, then by electoral district. Electoral districts
Kaynak: 18th Canadian Parliament
Massachusetts's eighteenth congressional district is an obsolete district. Its short tenure (1813-1821) was dedicated to the Maine
Kaynak: Massachusetts's 18th congressional district
See also : List of French artists of the eighteenth century Category:French art Category:Neoclassical architecture in France Category:18th
Kaynak: 18th-century French art

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